Loew's Grand Theatre, Atlanta, Georgia - November 15, 1926
Beautiful Pauline Starke with Antonio Moreno in "LOVE'S
BLINDNESS" PAULINE STARKE re-establishes her claim to public approval by her performance in "Love's Blindness," the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture from the Elior Glyn novel of the same name. She is given a most difficult role. That of a 19year-old girl who, although intelligent, well-bred and cultured, has been so shielded from the world that she would unquestioningly enter a arriage arranged by her fther to a suitor selected by him. Making this situation plausible in the day and age is a larger order, but Miss Starke does it convincingly. The story is set in a background of English aristocracy. The settings are authentic and elaborate, among them being some of the most beautiful interiors ever een on the screen. Miss Starke wears many clothes and wears them well, and there are some glimpse (sic) of English society functions and diversions that are highly interesting. Miss Pauline Starke and Antonio Moreno in a tender scene in "Love's Blindness"
Thos (Thomas) H. James HOUSE STAFF
Ladies' Rest Rooms: Orchestra floor -- To the right in
the foyer on entering.
Gentlemen's Smoking Rooms: Orchestra Floor -- To the
left in the foyer on entering. Lost Articles should be reported to the Manager of His ssistants at once. The Management would appreciate the delivery of any article found in the theatre, to the office.
Continuous Performances starts (sic) at 1:00 p.m. daily The Atlanta Home of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures "The Big Parade of Hits" Sh-h-h-h-h!! PIRATES -- DANCIG PIRATES -- Coming next Week Hazel Mac Farlane of the Willis and Mac Farlane Dancig Revie, "The Dancing Pirates" and Jim Toney & Ann Norma big features on the vaudeville bill at Loew's Grand next week. SPARKLING comedy of the better kind will be offered in "A Man About Town" this year's vehicle of Jim Toney and Ann Norman, two Broadway musical comedy artists which will appear as the headline attraction on the vaudeville bill at Loew's Grand Theatre next week. Jim Toney is a comedian of the first rank and in the funny sketch written specially for him he has numerous opportunities. Miss Norman is an able aid and also contributes much to the entertainment. Another high class act on the new bill is the dancing revie of Hal Willis and Hazel MacFarlane. Aided by five dancinng pirates they offer one of the snappiest dancing acts on the circuit. Those old time favorites Cook and Vernon will appear in a comedy sketch "Oh Ay," ritten by Sidney Lazarus. The sketch is full of bright lines and ludicrous situations. West, Gates, and Hanes, three young en known as "Dispensers of Hilarity" will bring their new act as one of the pleasing features on the bill. They are singers, dancers and comedians and have an all new act. The opening number on the bill will be that of Achilles and Newman, in "Old Greek Pasties", a real novelty. WEARS BRACELET FOR LUCK IN "LOVE'S BLINDNESS" Pauline Starke wears an unique bracelet in "Love's Blindness," the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture from Elinor Glyn's novel, which comes to Loew's Grand Theatre next week. It is Elinor Glyn's personal possession and was loaned Pauline during the making of the picture, which Mme. Glyn supervised. Every one Mme. Glyn has allowed to wear this bracelet has achieved tremendous success and although Pauline is not superstitious, she's willing to take a chance. Antonio Moreno plays opposite Miss Starke in this stirring romance, which has been directed by John Francis Dillon. of the author. (sic) Lilyan Tashman, under the person supervision (of the author) has a prominent role in this picture also.
Program Unit. 1. Organ Overture
Unit. 2. Loew's Novelties Unit 3. Loew's Grand Feature Presentation
Antonio Moreno & Greta Garbo in
Unit 4. Loew's News Events
Unit 5. Loew's Supreme Vaudeville
Unit. 6. Exit March, "BARDLEYS" GILBERT'S MOST COLORFUL ROLE This may safely be said of the famous star's part in "Bardleys the Magnificent," the King Vidor production for Metro-Goldwyn-Myer coming soon to Loew's Grand with Eleanor Boardman as leading woman. In this he swims raging raging rivers on horseback, fights several thrilling sword duels, pole vaults over a line of charging spearsmen, scales 100-foot walls and altogether goes through a series of strenuous feats rarely paralleled by any actor. Other members of the cast naturally involved in the speedy action include Roy D'Arcy, Karl Dane, George K. Arthur and others.
Elinor Glyn's Production
with PAULINE STARKE ANTONIO MORENO ALL NEXT WEEK GOWNS WHICH FORECAST NEXT SEASON'S ODE WORN BY PAULINE STARKE IN "LOVE'S BLINDNESS" STRIKING gowns, which forecast the mode of next season, are worn by Pauline Stark (sic), sone of the best dressed women of the screen, in "Love's Blindness," Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's production of the famous Elinor Glyn story in which she appears, and which comes to the Loew's Grand next week. Particularly chic is the white satin grown which fits the figure snugly and is gathered in a drape on the left hip by a pearl and rhinestone medallion. Two bands of silver cloth trimed with rhinestones and pearls are applied to the skirt, which is bordered with a band of pearl fringe. The bodice is also embroidered with rhinestones nd pearls and a tiara of silver completes this costume. For general wear, another frock smart and distinctive is a dark green flat crepe with a yoke of white crepe de chine bound with floss in pleasant colors, and bell shped sleeves caught in at the wrist. The skirt is knife pleated.
For intimate boidoir and genera lounging wear, Miss Stark wears Chinese
Coolie coat of Chinese crepe, painted with Oriental words and symbols.
With this coat Miss Starke wears black satin trousers. More Information on the Loew's Grand Theatre... The Loew's Grand Theatre at CinemaTreasures.com Last Modified March 8, 2020 |