Bonds of Love (1919)

Pauline Frederick in BONDS OF LOVE (1919)

Goldwyn Pictures 61-43 Pauline Frederick

by Sir Arthur Wing Pinero
Directed by Frank Lloyd

Pressbook for BONDS OF LOVE (1919) with Pauline Frederick

Bonds of Love
by Louis Sherwin     Directed by Reginald Barker
This advertisement can be reproduced for your local newspaper Electro at small cost. A 1-4 Col

Pressbook for BONDS OF LOVE (1919) with Pauline Frederick

This is a Goldwyn Year

Analyzing Box-Office Merits of "Bonds of Love"
Theme of New Frederick Drama Has Sure-Fire Appeal

THE best praise to accord Pauline Frederick's latest Goldwyn dramatic success, "Bonds of Love", is to tell you that it is one of those rare products of the screen -- a photoplay that will positively grip your audiences from the first flash to the final fadeout.

The reasons for this lie in the foundation upon which the picture has been built -- a story that is best described as a page from the book of life. Rarely does the screen reflect a tale that is at once so dramatic, so appealing and so true to life as to hold a universal appeal and to strike a responsive chord in the heart of every thinking man and woman.

The age-old problem of the woman who marries a widower and finds herself constantly regaled with the virtues of her predecessor and her conduct compared with that of "my late wife," is treated from a fresh and original angle in the new Pauline Frederick drama. Unexpected and highly interesting plot developments server to keep the dramatic tension at a high pitch through-out while numerous interludes of a pathetic and appealing nature in which a motherless boy figures, provide the picture with the balance that stamps it is 100 per cent entertainment.


In the role of the first Mrs. Daniel Cabot, Miss Pauline Frederick gives a portrayal that is remarkable for its sincerity and finish. In her dramatic moments, Miss Frederick is admirable; in the lighter scenes, she is irresistible. Miss Frederick's performance in this picture will undoubtedly go down as one of the finest she has contributed to the screen and will be hailed with delight by her legion of admirers.

"Bonds of Love" was produced under the direction of Reginald Barker, one of the screen's foremost producers. Of country-wide popularity, Mr. Barker's screen creation such as "The Crimson Gardenia," Rex Beach's "The Girl from Outside," stand as a monument to his skillful workmanship and keen artistic perception.


The story of "Bonds of Love" is of a woman, who as the second wife of a man who has been devoted to the memory of his first wife, finds that her predecessor's vicious-tongued family continually sings the first wife's praises to the husband and to her; and is made miserable by the knowledge that she was married only to take care of the first wife's child.

Inadvertently, she finds love letters of the first wife from another man. But rather than destroy her husband's blind faith in a beautiful memory, she attempts to quietly secure the letters and burn them. Her action casts suspicion upon herself which she willingly assumes for the sake of the child; but her husband comes into possession of the letters and learning of the circumstances attending his second wife's connection with them, breaks forever the bonds of persecution under which she has been living.

The mother instinct and the lengths to which a woman will go to protect a child even tho (sic) not her own is a vibrant theme of the picture and should form the keynote of your exploitation campaign.

While "Bonds of Love" can be relied upon to please everyone, it will appeal particularly strongly to women. Women will live and feel the tribulations of the heroine because she is essentially human and appealing and because her experiences are shared by women the world over. The women will come out of your theatre remarking, "Isn't it real; so true to life" and no better tribute to a picture could be paid.


Go after the women strong when you play "Bonds of Love." Build your copy around the mother instinct and the troubles of the second wife. You can rely upon the picture to delight every woman in your town and, as an exhibitor, you know that a picture that appeals to the gentle sex is a certain box-office winner. Then, too, "Bonds of Love" embodies a sufficient degree of dramatic interest and heart appeal to win the favor of the men and children.

Feature Pauline Frederick in all your advertising. Her "draw" at the box-office need not be emphasized - you know it by past performances. You can safely bill "Bonds of Love" as one of the star's finest photoplays and one of the most dramatic and appealing in months.

For the promotion of the new Frederick picture, the Goldwyn Service Department has prepared an advertising novelty of striking originality and one that should materially assist exhibitors in packing 'em in during his engagement of the picture. It is the "Bonds of Love" full details are contained on page 8.

The succeeding pages of the Press and Service Book show you how to capitalize on the many dollar-pulling exploitation angles of the picture. If there is anything in the way of additional aid we can render for the exploitation of "Bonds of Love," communicate with us immediately, state just what you require, and we will either prepare the material in New York or will send a service expert direct to your theatre, according to your wishes.

Why "Bonds of Love" Will Get the Crowds

  1. BECAUSE Pauline Frederick is one of the screen's most powerful drawing cards.

  2. BECAUSE The story will appeal to every man and woman in your community.

  3. BECAUSE The picture was directed by Reginald Barker, one of the screen's truly great directors.

  4. BECAUSE For the exploitation of the picture Goldwyn has prepared a novelty of striking originality -- "The Bond of Love."

 They read your ads in the paper; they see your lobby display; they receive your sales letters; and they hit the trail for your theatre.


Latest Production, First photodrama by Louis Sherwin, Eminent Dramatic Critic, is Story of Mother Love and Family Jealousy

PAULINE FREDERICK's latest Goldwyn picture, "Bonds of Love," by Louis Sherwin, the eminent dramatic critic, is a powerful emotional photodrama worthy of the sterling ability of the versatile star. In none of Miss Frederick's recent pictures, has she been called upon to play the awakening instinct of mother love; but in her new screen vehicle, which comes to the _____ Theatre, on _____, she assumes the role of a second wife who has sincerely grown to love the child of her husband's first wife and is willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of the child's welfare. This unusual combination of self-sacrifice and mother love for another’s child develops into a masterly climax in which Miss Frederick has many opportunities to reveal some of the subtlest touches which have ever been seen in photodramas. Her ability to express suppressed emotional struggle has been shown in her recent pictures, "The Fear Woman" and "The Peace of Roaring River." And in "Bonds of Love," fresh opportunities for disclosing her understanding of a repressed acting occur in every reel.

Miss Frederick's picture was directed by Reginald Barker; and the photographer was Edward Gheller, who recently discovered a new way to achieve clearness in long shots by a clever light arrangement.

The young boy in the picture gives a remarkable performance of the child. Frankie Lee was called upon to assume the part, and he immediately struck up a delightful friendship with  Miss Frederick, which made their many scenes together realistic interpretations of an unusual affection between mother and child.

Some of the scenes in "Bonds of Love" were taken at Santa Catalina Island where Miss Frederick in a racing motor boat preformed a thrilling rescue of the child who had jumped into a launch and was heading for the rocks which guard the narrow to the open sea. Besides the rescue, many other scenes on Cataline Island unfold the sunlit beauty of this garden spot in the Pacific.


The Cast

Daniel Cabot Percy Standing
Lucy Beekman Betty Schade
Harry Beekman Leslie Stuart
Barry Sullivan Charles Clary
Mrs. Cunningham Kate Lester
Jimmy Cabot Frankie Lee

By Louis Sherwin
Directed by Reginald Barker
Photographed by Edward Gheller


The publicity storied embodied in this press and service book are just what your local editor wants and WILL PRINT. They are short snappy items that carry a real news "punch" and are written from the newspaperman's angle.

In getting these stories in your newspapers, try to take them yourself or have a reliable house attache do it. Be sure that the items are accompanied by scene stills from the picture and a portrait of Pauline Frederick.


UNA SAYRE (Pauline Frederick) is employed as governess for Jimmy (Frankie Lee) in the home of Daniel Cabot (Percy Standing). His sister-in-law, Lucy Beekman (Betty Schade) and her brother harry (Leslie Stuart) have been living on the bounty of their brother-in-law Lucy exercising the duties of governess and running the household. With the advent of Una Sayre, they fear that the new governess will overcome Cabots vow never again to marry, so they plan to keep the memory of their sister ever in his mind. However, the boy forms an instantaneous attachment for the new governess. Nevertheless, the others make life so unbearable, that Una decides to leave. She is about to say goodbye to the boy who is playing on the wharf of the summer hotel, when she sees him jump into a motor boat of start off, alone. He is heading for the rocks, so she jumps into the nearest launch and sets out to head him off. She catches up with the boy, pulls him out of his launch into her own, and drives back to the pier. Here, the boy's father begs her to remain as the boy's new mother. She accepts his offer; but still his relatives persist in their persecution and their comparative reference to the dead wife.

Una discovers that her predecessor had been in love with an other man; and her attempt to keep this knowledge from her husband and so protect the child's name, results in a series of thrilling scenes.


Nationally Known Dramatic Critic writes "Bonds of Love"

WHEN a dramatic critic with a national reputation for keen dramatic values turns author, the product of his pen is likely to contain the very points which he has been called upon in the past to criticize adversely. This opportunity has come to Louis Sherwin, who is the author of Pauline Fredericks latest Goldwyn picture, "Bonds of Love," which will be presented at the _____ Theatre, beginning _____.

Mr. Sherwin, before his association with the photodrama, was for eight years the dramatic critic of the New York Globe, in which capacity his fairness as a reviewer resulted in his being barred from certain theaters whose plays he was daring enough to report as unworthy. However, Mr. Sherwin weathered this storm; in fact, his firm stand for honest criticism added immeasurably to his prestige. Now Mr. Sherwin has begun to write in a creative vein, and his first story, "Bonds of Love" has been picturized by Goldwin with Pauline Frederick.

Louis Sherwin was born and educated in England. For several years, he was a close student of dramatic literature; and when he came to American, joined the staff of the Globe. For the past year, Mr. Sherwin has been engaged in a critical capacity at the Goldwyn studios in Culver City, Cal., where his ability as a critic was utilized in the selection of stories suitable for a picturization.

Mr. Sherwin comes naturally by his artistic predilections, as his mother, Amy Sherwin, was a noted English opera singer, whose beautiful voice delighted thousands of music lovers of the past generation.

Pressbook for BONDS OF LOVE (1919) with Pauline Frederick


IN Pauline Frederick's latest Goldwyn picture, "Bonds of Love," which will be shown at the _____ Theatre, beginning _____, the marvelous acting of little Frankie Lee, who plays the adopted son of the star, is one of the features of the production. His part is the most important male role in the story. The child appears in almost a hundred scenes, an assignment with has rarely, if ever, been given to a child. Nevertheless, little Frankie Lee knows how to act. It is uncanny to watch him play the bad boy when his aunt is about, and then find him changed into a little adoring angel in his scenes with Miss Frederick. He understood the part he was playing and required little coaching from the director, Reginald Barker.

Perhaps Frankie Lee's work would not have been quite so spontaneous, had not Miss Frederick won his heart before the filming of the story was begun. They formed a strong friendship on sight, and the little fellow spent many waiting moments at the studio in Pauline Frederick's lap. This accounts for the ease with which the child reveals his love for his new mother in the story of "Bonds of Love."

Frankie Lee is remembered for another excellent performance in the part of the child in "The Westerners." His work in that photoplay called forth the enthusiastic praise of critics throughout the country. And when "Bonds of Love" is shown the promise of this young future star will be seen fulfilled in the finesse displayed in his first Goldwyn picture.

PAULINE FREDERICK, whose latest Goldwyn picture, "Bonds of Love," will be shown at the _____ Theatre, beginning _____. Miss Frederick wears a black tailored broadcloth suit with a silver fox stole and a business-like tailored hat. Later, she changes to a simple afternoon gown of white linen made in long Russian lines. Another gown is of beaded georgette crepe, with a very dainty girdle and a large georgette hat fairly smothered with ostrich feathers. Each of Miss Frederick's costumes is as individual as the personality that wears them. 

CONCENTRATED ability finds full scope for action in the small, but excellent cast which supports Pauline Frederick in her newest Goldwyn picture, "Bonds of Love" which is scheduled for the _____ Theatre, beginning _____.

As the leading male player, Miss Frederick has a little boy of seven, Frankie Lee, whose interpretation of the dramatic moments of his role reveals marvelous histrionic ability. His ability is a gift as the child has had but one year's experience before the camera.

Betty Schade sincerely interprets the role of a spiteful, scheming woman, who earns her just reward. She plays with Leslie Stuart who has just returned from a two years stay in the trenches of France. Charles Clary assumes the role of dignified lawyer, who in his youth has committed a grievous indiscretion, while Percy Standing, as the star's husband has a sympathetic role with moments that alternate between the gruff and the tender. Kate Lester, as an elderly friend of the family, again is a model of elderly dignity and perfect costuming.

A not unimportant role is assigned to a huge, tawny, good-natured mastiff, whom the little hero rides astride.

Pauline Frederick in "Bonds of Love"
Goldwyn Pictures
P. 2-2 Col. Reduced size

THE people in your town are more interested in reading about Susie MacShane's betrothal to the second-assistant mayor than they are in reading about 1,000 people being killed in Zulu. Why? Because the former is news of local interest.

If any of the players listed in the cast below are from your town - you have the material for news sotires that will get into print as sure as you're a foot high. Glance over the names and if any of them are connected with your town, get busy and let your local editors know about it.



PAULINE FREDERICK, born in Boston, Mass. And educated in private schools. Played in Rogers' Brothers successes; also "When Knights Were Bold," "Sampson," with Gillette, and "Joseph and His Brethren." On the screen, played for Paramount and Goldwyn. Recent pictures are "The Fear Woman," and "The Peace of Roaring River." Hobbies are driving, walking and shooting. She has brown hair and blue eyes. In private life, Miss Frederick is Mrs. Willard Mack.

BETTY SCHADE, born in Berlin, and educated in Chicago. Stage training in vaudeville sketches. Played on screen for Universal, Lasky, Fox and Paralta. Recently in Goldwyn's "Spotlight Sadie."

KATE LESTER was born in England and educated at Normal College, N.Y.C. Played on the stage with Richard Mansfield, Julia Marlowe, John Drew, and Mrs. Fiske. For the past two years, she has played the rols of dignified matrons in Goldwyn photoplays, though she has appeared in pictures produced by Edison, World and Famous Players.

CHARLES CLARY, born in Charleston, Ill. And educated in the public schools of Kansas City, Mo. College training at Washburn college. Many years on tour and in stock companies. Played with Mary Mannering, James O’Neil and Ralph Stuart. On the screen, Mr. Clary played with Geraldine Farrar in "Joan the Woman."

FRANKIE LEE, the seven year old wonder child of Palo Alto, Cal., who plays one of the leading parts in "Bonds of Love," has been acting before the camera for less than a year. His splendid work with Pauline Frederick is another triumph for the little man who appeared with Mary Pickford in "Daddy Long Legs" and was one of the featured players in "The Westerners." This is his first appearance in a Goldwyn picture.



A PAIR of unusual grafters appear in Pauline Frederick’s latest Goldwyn photoplay, “Bonds of Love,” which will be presented at the _____ Theatre, on _____. Their aims are not novel, but their means for obtaining them are as vicious as they are singular.

The sister and brother of Daniel Cabot's dead wife have been living in his home since her death. In fact, the woman has managed the established and her brother has been a handy, spongy soft of individual, whose presence helped to pad out the emptiness of the large living room. Together the brother and sister planned to keep their brother-in-law from marrying again and ti ingratiate themselves in his favor so that their lives might be made soft and comfortable. To this end, they decided to keep the memory of their sister ever green in the thoughts of her husband. They consecrated her former room as a museum, and spoke about her on every possible occasion.

The plan worked for about a year, when a new governess was engaged for the dead wife’s little boy. And the spontaneous affection which sprang up between the two convinced the husband that his little boy needed a mother. Despite the machinations of the grafting brother and sister-in-law to blacken her character, the little boy found a new mother and the social grafters lost their means of sustenance.

THE Goldwyn studios in Culver City, Cal., has been enjoying "Welcome Home" days for seeral weeks past. Recently, Roger McKinnon returned to the studios to begin work with Mabel Normand in "Empty Paradise;" and Lieut. J. B. Manly to appear with Madge Kennedy in "Strictly Confidential." Now Leslie Stuart has returned and has completed his first picture, "Bonds of Love," which Goldwyn will present at the _____ Theatre, beginning _____.

Mr. Stuart, who has spent the last two years in the trenches, is cast as the ne'er do well villain in Pauline Frederick’s new picture. Mr. Stuart served in France with the A.E.F.



PAULINE FREDERICK is called upon to interpret the strongest emotions a woman may experience in her newest Goldwyn photoplay, "Bonds of Love," which will be present at the _____ Theatre, on _____. The unfathomable depths of mother love, and the pain of being wracked between self-sacrifice and revenge are some of the emotions which Miss Frederick is called upon to express during the unfolding of the powerful story which Louis Sherwin, the well-known dramatic critic, whore especially for her.

Miss Frederick's art is equal not only to the expression of the love of a mother for her child, but of the love of a strange woman for the child of another. In "Bonds of Love," the child is the son of his father's first wife; and the developing love of the second wife for the little boy, and his appreciation of her affection create many subtle moments which Miss Frederick and little Frankie Lee share.

When the first wife's relatives persist in the persecution of the boy's "new" mother, she finds letters which her predecessor had written to her lover. With these in her possession, the second wife is in the position of forever silencing the comparisons which her husband's relatives make between her and her predecessor.

Pressbook for BONDS OF LOVE (1919) with Pauline Frederick

A "Sure-Fire" Direct Mail Campaign For Pauline Frederick in "Bonds of Love"

THE dramatic story which forms the basis of "Bonds of Love" concerns itself mainly with circumstances that are brought about by the strong mother instinct that is deeply imbedded in the heart of every woman.

Accordingly, your mail campaign should be directed mainly to the "weaker sex" and should drive home the vibrant theme of the picture.

Inasmuch as "Bonds of Love" depicts the trials and tribulations of a second wife, it would be an excellent idea to secure from the local marriage bureau, society editor, etc., the names of all women in your town who have married widowers. Direct to these women, a tastfully worded special appeal setting forth the second-wife idea of the picture.

"The Bonds of Love" advertising novelty prepared by the Goldwyn Service Department for the Exploitation of the new Frederick Drama makes a decidedly effective mailing piece and should be used extensively.

The letters reproduced below suggest that manner in which your direct-mail campaign should be handled to bring big returns at your box-office.


Goldwyn Theatre
The Screen Art Supreme


Dear Madam:-

I have just witnessed a most remarkable ocurrance (sic) that I am sure you will be interested in hearing about.
I have seen a woman, the second wife of a man devoted to the memory of his first wife, deliborataly (sic) sacrifice her honor and lose the love of her husband, by assuming the responsibility of her predecessor’s love affair with another man. And she did it because she was a woman and because in her heart burn that undying flame of mother instinct - that made her want to protect the good name of her little foster-child at any cost.

Would you have done the same thing?

Don't answer before you see Pauline Frederick in her latest Goldwyn photoplay "Bonds of Love" coming to Blank for one week beginning next Sunday.

Cordially yours,


Letter No. 1 - To be mailed to specially selected list of women bout 10 days prior to showing.


 Goldwyn Theatre
The Screen Art Supreme


Dear Madam:-

Imagine the dilemma of a woman who as the second wife of a man devoted to the memory of his first wife, finds that she was married only to care for the first wife’s child.

Imagine this woman’s finding love letter written to the first wife by another man and then rather than destroy her husband’s faith in a beautiful memory and to protect the good name of the first wife’s child, casts suspicion upon herself.

But imagination itself cannot convay to you the pulsating drama and the heart throbs that result from these situations. You must see Pauline Frederick in "Bonds of Love" to appreciate the soul-stirring story of the second Mrs. Cabot.

It’s coming to the Blank next week. Don’t miss it!

Cordially yours.


Letter No. 2 – To be mailed to general list about 6 days before opening of picture


Dear (Sir or Madam):-
Your attention is directed to our engagement for one week beginning Sunday of one of the season’s most dramatic and appealing photoplays. Pauline Frederick in "Bonds of Love".

It tells an enthralling story of a woman who sacrifices love and honor to protect the good name of a child who is not her own. Heart throbs and humor aplenty.

Cordially Yours,


Post Card No. 1 – To be typewritten on regulation post card and mailed to general list about 3 days before opening.


Dear (Sir or Madam):-

Tomorrow begins the engagement at the Blank, of a photoplay that will tug at your heart strings as no picture has done before.

It is Pauline Frederick’s latest Goldwyn dramatic success, "Bonds of Love." It is absorbing; it is real; it is a page from the book of life.


Cordially Yours,


Post Card No. 2 – To be typewritten on post card and mailed to general list 1 day before engagement.

Pressbook for BONDS OF LOVE (1919) with Pauline Frederick

P. 3-1 Col Reduced size


WEALTH, and its power to foster deception in family relationships, is the unseen motive behind the nnew Goldwyn picture, "Bonds of Love," in which Pauline Frederick will be presented at the _____ Theatre, beginning _____. This underlyng fact is not revealed until the end of the story, but on it it the story rests.

Early in the life of Daniel Cabot's first wife, she had been in love with an attorney, Barry Sullivan, capitally played by Charles Clary. But her parents had forced her to marry a man she didn't love. Subsequently, her lover acquired a large practice, and the relationship which her marriage had thwarted was assumed clandestinely. After her death, however, her husband married again; and it was the second wife who discovered her predecessor's infidelity. But the second Mrs. Cabot, loving her step-child, refused to divulge the secret she had uncovered.

Nevertheless, her husband found out the truth in his own way. Moreover, he learned of his present wife's attempt to conceal her predecessor's short-comings from him. The shock destroyed the halo which he had erected about the first Mrs. Cabot and placed it above the head of her successor.


PARENTS who give their children unwise gifts will find an object lesson in Pauline Frederick's new Goldwyn production, "Bonds of Love," which will be presented at the _____ Theatre, on _____ . The adoring father brings home a new toy for his child every night. On the evening that the story opens, he has brought a little hatchet. And the seven year old boy immediately finds uses for the new tool. Jimmy discovers his uncle's automobile at the entrace to his father's home. Again the hatchet comes into play on the front tires. And when uncle comes out to drive off, discovers that he has a perfectly flat tire. And Jimmy, like George, didn't deny his guilt in the matter.


THE rescue of seven year old Frankie Lee, alone in a runaway motorboat, by Pauline Frederick, furnishes one of the most novel thrills ever recorded by the motion picture camera. The scene in which Miss Frederick rescues the boy occurs in her latest Goldwyn picture, "Bonds of Love," which will be presented at the _____ Theatre, beginning _____. The boy, Jimmy Cabot, is a mischievous youngster, who has been warned not to go near the motor boats on the landing near the summer resort hotel at which the family is staying. For a few moments he is left alone on the dock. Up in the hotel, Miss Frederick as Una Sayre, the boy's governess, is preparing to leave -- the insults of the boy's aunt having made her position unbearable. She is about to say good-bye to the child, when she sees him, from the distance, jump into the motor boat and start out for a joy ride. The governess sees him heading for the rocks that guard the narrow to the open sea, rushes down to the dock, jumps into another boat, and dashes away in pursuit.

The race of the two boats is seen from several angles, the larger and more powerful boar of the governess gradually overtaking the smaller vessel in which the child is seen helpless at the steering wheel. Now the larger boat is veering over to the other, the crowd, which has formed on the dock praying that she may overtake it in time to save it from smashing head-on into the rocks. Suddenly, the larger boat draws alongside the other, the child, standing on the gunwhile, is lifted from his boat into the other by his governess; her boat shoots ahead, crosses the bows of the other in a side circle, while the child's boat dashes into the rocks. The little fellow is brought back to the dock, and his governess weak and overcome with the tension of the past few moments, is lifted out of the boat by the child's anxious father. After this proof of her devotion, the child will not permit her to leave, and she stays, at the earnest solicitation of his father, as the boy's "new" mother.

Mat of This Sketch Furnished Free.
Electro Furnished at Moderate Cost.

Pauline Frederick -- A Biography

PAULINE FREDERICK, whose recent successes in the Goldwyn productionsof "The Fear Woman," "The Peace of Roaring River," and "The Woman on the Index," have placed her in the front rank of emotional screen actresses, was born in Boston and educated in the private schools of that city. Her first theatrical experience was obtained in Dorchester, one of the suburbs of Boston, when she appeared in a child's part in "When Mrs. Black Came Back," which was presented at the Dorchester Woman's Club.

Professional, she began her career in the vaudeville theatres of Boston, singing "Mavourneen," and other ballads. Her next venture was with the Rogers Brothers' extravaganzas, where her sweet voice and exotic beauty attracted the attention of theatrical managers.

Her first real role was in Channing Pollock's play, "The Little Gray Lady." This was followed by others, the most notable of which was her dramatic interpretation of Potiphar's wife, in "Joseph and His Bretheren." Her instantaneous success in this part led to her being starred in "Innocent."

About four years ago, Samuel Goldwyn persuaded Miss Frederick to act before the camera, and she has since been associated with him in all his enterprised. Her first picture was "The Eternal City," by Hall Caine, which was made under the Paramount seal. Later, when Mr. Goldwyn organized the present Goldwyn company, Miss Frederick was one of the first stars to sign up.

P. 4-1 Col.
Reduced Size


SHOULD  a widower marry a second time, to give his child a mother? This is one of the questions which come up for settlement, and which furnish some of the dramatic scenes in Pauline Frederick's latest Goldwyn Picture, "Bonds of Love," which will be shown at the _____ Theatre, beginning _____.

In the photodrama, the child is being "mothered" by a selfish aunt who knows only her own comfort or discomfort, and never thinks of the child's honest desire to play. As the boy is a real mischievous lad, his life is one round of spankings. However, a new governess is engages who understands his needs and the void which the missing mother love has made. And she succeeds in filling the breach.

What should the father do? His action and how he was impelled to follow it is dramatically told in "Bonds of Love."


SEVEN years old Frankie Lee, who plays the most important male role in Pauline Frederick's latest Goldwyn release, "Bonds of Love," which will come to the _____ Theatre, on _____ had a joyous time with one of the dumb actors in the photoplay. The silent, patient actor is a huge, tawny mastiff, who is introduced to us dragging his little master at the end of a leading string through the parlor of his own home. The boy and the dog are inseparable companions; and when the wise old animal is tired of letting the child pull his ears, bit his nose, or stick his fingers into his patient eyes, lies down and goes to sleep, while the child pillow his little head on the dog's broad chest.

The dog is well trained, and seems to knw that his business is to guard the youngster. So, no matter how roughly little Frankie Lee handles the old fellow, he never complains. And his affection is manifested by numerous attempts at kissing in his own doggy fashion. He does not object to the child's using him as a saddle pony, but when the youngster grows too rough for comfort, he gallops off to seek a moment's quiet alone.

Pressbook for BONDS OF LOVE (1919) with Pauline Frederick

Live Exploitation Campaign for "Bonds of Love"
Advertising Novelty That Will Arouse Interest

PAULINE FREDERICK in "Bonds of Love" offers you an attraction of exceptional merit and one that deserves a live exploitation campaign. It is a high class drama of domestic life and all your advertising should convey this fact.

It would be well to avoid anything "freakish" for the exploitation of the new Frederick drama and to elevate everything to a "de luxe" plan in keeping with the quality of the picture. In booking "Bonds of Love," remember this: Properly exploited and presented it will clean-up for you ecause it embodies every element of popular appeal and has the added sales punch of featuring a star whose following in only limited by the nuber of people who like motion pictures -- 'nuf said.


In order to enable exhibitors to put over "Bonds of Love" as a smashing box-office success, the Goldwyn Service Department has prepared an advertising novelty that for originality and dollar-pulling value has rarely been equaled.

It is "The Bond of Love," presenting the appearance of a regulation stock bond and making an effective tie-up with the title and the theme of the picture. This novelty is now available at your local Goldwyn Exchange.

As can be noted from the sample copy contained herewith, "The Bonds of Love" is printed on super quality stock and presents a decidedly realistic appearance and cannot fail in its mission to attract attention and to arouse interest in the production.

The attention-compelling values of the bonds are undeniable. Can you imagine anyone receiving something that looks like a bona-fide bond just giving it a cursory glance and letting it go at that?  Not a chance; not while human nature continues to be interested in anything that looks like real money.


The novelty of the bond is, in itself, sufficient to attract attention and excite interest as nothing else will.

Communicate with your Goldwyn branch NOW and secure a liberal supply of bonds. The price is small and insignificant in comparison with the returns the novelty is certain to bring at the box-office.

Decide not to use "The Bond of Love" as the nucleus of your exploitation campaign. It's live; it's appropriate -- and it's a certain crowd-getter.

For the distribution of "The Bond of Love," you should engage a number of boys to slip a copy under the door of every house in your neighborhood. Occupants of the house, opening the door, cannot fail to be attracted to this "moneyish" looking novelty and to be impressed by its message.

Be sure that liberal supplies are placed on the counters of local shops, libraries, banks, etc., in addition, have your box-office attendant pass out a copy to each person buying a ticket at least a week prior to the opening of the picture.

Be sure that "The Bond of Love" is given the widest possible distribution. It offers you a golden opportunity for cleaning up; don't fail to take advantage.

Order Blank for Advertising Novelty
Clip This Coupon and Send to Your Exchange.
Please send me .......... thousand of "Bonds of Love" Certificate @ $2 per thousand.
Name ....................
Street ....................
City ....................


An advance "Teaser" campaign built around the title of the picture would be appropriate and effective. About one week prior to the opening of the picture start running a series of small ads in your newspaper and program reading as follows:

WHAT BONDS ARE MORE VALUABLE TO YOU, Liberty Bonds; Industrial Bonds; Stock Bonds; or "BONDS OF LOVE"?

"WHAT ARE YOUR BONDS OF LOVE?" Did you marry your husband for money; for social position; for convenience? Or do BONDS OF LOVE bind you to your husband?

"What cements the BONDS OF LOVE between married people? Is it the children; is it pure love; or is it some outside force? See Pauline Frederick in "Bonds of Love" etc.

The above suggested ads are directed mainly toward the woman and are certain to arouse interest and curiosity in "Bonds of Love" and their connection with the new Frederick drama. Use this campaign for results!


The title of the picture and the fact that many exquisite gowns are worn by the female principals, offers excellent opportunity for local merchant cooperation. Get in touch with your local department stores and shops catering to women, and get them to cooperate with a window display. This display should consist of an exhibit of feminine finery and a card reading something like this: "WHY THERE ARE BONDS OF LOVE BETWEEN THE WELL DRESSED WOMAN AND THE BIT STORES." This display should be augmented by scene stills showing the beautiful gowns worn in the picture, a portrait of Miss Frederick and announcement of the picture's showing at your theatre.

Don't fail to take advantage of thedistinctive display ads prepared by the Goldwyn Service Department for the exploitation of "Bonds of Love." The ads reproduced on pages 10 and 11 are the latest word in artistic display and forceful copy appeal. Use them liberally; they will get business for you!

Pressbook for BONDS OF LOVE (1919) with Pauline Frederick

These Suggestions for Lobby Display Will Greatly Help in Advertising "Bonds of Love"


YOUR lobby display is your show window; it lets your prospects know what you are selling. The more attractive and impressive your lobby, the greater the prospect is impressed with the value of what you have to offer, and the greater your chance of getting him into the movie theatre.

The lobby of a theatre is an advertising medium that the alert exhibitor will not overlook -- it is, in face, one of his most effective mediums for "selling" his attractions.

Make YOUR lobby "sell" your pictures. Don't be content to hang up a couple of posters, scene stills, etc. and let it go at that. Use your lobby to drive home the particular sales appeal of each individual picture by novel and attractive exhibits.

Pauline Frederick in "Bonds of Love" offers a particularly fine opportunity to dress your lobby in a distinctive and attractive manner, and at the same time t To arouse interest in the picture. The illustration on this page visualizes our idea of the way your lobby should look before and during the presentation of the new Frederick drama. The suggested exhibit brings into play the "Bonds of Love" novelty issued in conjunction with the feature. The display is simple, easy to execute and sufficiently out-of-the-ordinary to attract attention and to drive home the "Bond" idea.

The stunt involves nothing more than surrounding your lobby frames containing scenes from "Bonds of Love" and Portraits of the star, with a border of "Bonds" carefully pasted together and neatly arranged.

As shown in the illustration this same method can be applied to the streamer over the entrance of your main auditorium.


AN Exploitation Expert is now at your local Goldwyn Exchange ready and eager to render personal assistance in helping you exploit "Bonds of Love." The Service man is there to help YOU and his assistance entails no expense or obligation.

If there is anything in the way of special exploitation material you require in touch with your local Branch Manager and he will see that a Service man is sent direct to your theatre. Don't fail to take advantage of Goldwyn's individual service, it means dollars and cents to you.

Pressbook for BONDS OF LOVE (1919) with Pauline Frederick

Line Display Advertisements
That Will Stand Out if Used in Your Loacl Newspaper

USE these seat-selling line ads in your newspapers, circulars and in every way possible. They will attract the attention and arouse the interest of everyone who sees them because they are "classy," distinctive, and drive home the salient selling angles of the picture. Through sheer force of display they will dominate any page on which they appear.

Mats on all furnished free. Electrotypes available at moderate cost.

was the door that Pauline Frederick opened. It led to a room set aside for the dead. What lay beyond?

"Bonds of Love"
by Louis Sherwin     Directed by Reginald Barker

"Bonds of Love" is a wonderful, thunderful drama. In kaleidoscopic succession we see revealed scenes of romance, adventure, mystery. Pauline Frederick surpasses her every previous screen performance.
A. 2 - 1 Col.

"Bonds of Love"
by Louis Sherwin     Directed by Reginald Barker
A. 3 -- 1 Col.

HAVE you ever felt the Bonds of Love? Have you ever felt that force which binds you to your kin as nothing else can bind you? Pauline Frederick did.

"Bonds of Love"

by Louis Sherwin     Directed by Reginald Barker

Once more America's most emotional star appears in a screen play that has never been surpassed by any of its kind. It is a thrilling photoplay from the opening reel until "The End" flashes on the screen. It has every element of interest that a motion picture can have. It is a masterpiece of production. Don't miss it.
A. 4 -- 2 Col.

Pressbook for BONDS OF LOVE (1919) with Pauline Frederick

Half-tone Display Advertisements
That Will Arouse the Curiosity of the People in Your Town

REPRODUCED on this page are the half-tone display ads, prepared by the Goldwyn Service Experts for the exploitation of "Bonds of Love." The ads combine beauty of layout with force and appeal of copy and cannot fail in their mission to attract attention and to "sell" the picture. Use them liberally!


He thought the handwriting was his wife's. And it WAS his wife's, but not the wife he thought. He had confused Wife No. 1 with Wife. No. 2, and it almost caused a dissolution of the family. His old wife's love letters were produced as testimony to the perfidy of his second wife. You will find this complication the theme of the most interesting photoplay in years.

"Bonds of Love"

by Louis Sherwin     Directed by Reginald Barker

Bonds of Love! We have all felt them And we will all find our feelings reexpressed in the remarkable Goldwyn photoplay, starring Pauline Frederick. With all the skill of the screen dramatist's art, this new play has been put together. With all the beauty of an art director's imagination this new photoplay has been picturized. you surely will see it!
A. 5 -- 2 Col.

Her love for the boy was greater than any love she had ever known. She had saved his life once, but he had saved hers many times. He was the one person who made life worth while.

"Bonds of Love"

by Louis Sherwin     Directed by Reginald Barker

A highly emotional and dramatic picture with Pauline Frederick in the most important role of her career.
A. 6 - 1 Col.

"Bonds of Love"

by Louis Sherwin     Directed by Reginald Barker
A. 7 - 1 Col.

Pressbook for BONDS OF LOVE (1919) with Pauline Frederick

Teaser Phrases, Plot Synopsis, Advertising Copy and Catchlines for Newspaper Ads, House Organs, Programs, Circulars, Slides and General Exploitation. Breezy shorts that arouse interest and direct attention to Your Theatre -- Clip this material and USE it for Results!

PAULINE FREDERICK, the screen's supreme emotional star, comes to the Blank next week in her latest Goldwyn photoplay, "Bonds of Love." A story of a woman who sacrifices honor and the love of her husband to protect the good name of a child, not her own, this new Pauline Frederick dramatic success brings a tug at the heart; a tear to the eye; and a smile to the lips. An excellent supporting cast including Percy Standing, Charles Clary, little Frankie Lee and Betty Schade.

IT was one of Fate's grim jests that Mrs. Cabot after suffering under the lash of her husband's vicious-tounged family because she "wasn't fit to succeed" the virtuous first Mrs. Cabot should find herself confronted with evidence of the first wife's faithlessness. And with her evidence, she could have stilled forever these vicious tongues -- and destroyed her husband's blind faith in a beautiful memory. But she didn't. Why? See Pauline Frederick in her latest Goldwyn dramatic triumph, "Bonds of Love," directed by Reginald Barker.

SHE was just a woman -- a woman tossed about on the waves of scandal and suspicion. She could have stilled the tongues of scandal and dispelled the shadow of suspicion that had been cast over her but at the price of smirching the good name of a child and ruining the happiness of her husband. What did she do? See Pauline Frederick in her latest Goldwyn photoplay, "Bonds of Love."

IMAGINE a woman who as the second wife of a man devoted to the memory of his first wife is constantly tortured by the admonitions of her vicious-tounged family that she isn't fit to be the wife of a man who was married to so fine and noble a woman has her predecessor. Imagine this woman discovering evidence of a love affair which the first wife secretl had with another man. Imagine the woman, instead of exposing the first wife's escapade, casting suspicion for it, upon herself because ---. Imagination fails to convey the heart throbs and dramatic intensity of this situation. You must see Pauline Frederick in her newest and best Goldwyn drama, "Bonds of Love."

IS a man, devoted to the memory of his dead wife justified in marrying again only for the sake of his motherless child? Is it justice to the second wife; is it a sacrilege to the memory of the first wife? You can't answer this question until you see Pauline Frederick in her latest dramatic triumph, "Bonds of Love," directed by Reginald Barker. It tugs at the heart with its pathos; it electrifies with its drama; it brings a smil to the lips with its delicious humor. It is a picture you will never forget!

THE powerful motor-boat plunged forward with a crash, careening perilously from side to side in its mad dash to destruction. Its lone occupant, little Jimmy Cabot, clung terror-stricken to the throttle, frantically trying to control the powerful monster. Then in the far-away distance appeared another boat swaying recklessly as it cut the water with the speed of a falling star. Over the steering wheel, fear and terror biting into her heart, was the second Mrs. Cabot, Jimmie's foster-mother. The race between life and death was on! See this thrilling spectable in Pauline Frederick's latest dramatic triumph, "Bonds of Love," directed by Reginald Barker. It's a Goldwyn Picture and one of the most dramatic ever screened.

THE guiding light in the house of hate, she was the second Mrs. Cabot and because her presence threatened to usurp their power in the Cabot household, her husband's vicious-tounged relatives breathed into his ear tales of scandal that branded his wife as an impostor, a faithless vandal. And through it all, she smiled, suppressing the anguish that seared her sould like a white hot brand. She had it in her power to still the tongues of scandal, but her lips were sealed. Why? See Pauline Frederick in her latest Goldwyn drama, "Bonds of Love."

NEVER before has the emotional talent of Pauline Frederick been displayed to better advantage than in her latest Goldwyn dramatic success, "Bonds of Love," directed by Reginald Barker. A story of a woman sacrificing honor and love to protest a child's good name, it will tug at your heart  strings as not screen creation has done before. It is dramatic; it is appealing; it is one of the most entertaining photoplays of the year. Dont' miss it!

PAULINE FREDERICK thrilled and delighted you by her emotional acting in "The Peace of Roaring River," "One week of Life," "the Woman on the Index" and other Goldwyn photoplays. Now see her in her latest and best dramatic success, "Bonds of Love," the story of an honorable woman and the happiness it brought. It is Pauline Frederick at her best. you know that that means a solid hour of unequalled entertainment.

Big Moments in the Play






Pressbook for BONDS OF LOVE (1919) with Pauline Frederick


THE struggle between mother love, self-sacrifice and revenge furnishes the main dramatic scenes in Pauline Frederick's unusual Goldwyn picture, "Bonds of Love," which will be presented at the _____ Theatre, on _____. In this photodrama, Miss Frederick plays the role of a governess to a little boy who has lost his mother. Her association with him develops all the mother love in her nature, but she decides to leave the employ of his father when the child's relatives make her position unbearable with continual references to the sanitly character of the first wife. They accuse her of scheming to marry her rich employer.

But when she saves the child from death in a runaway motorboat, and finally when she discovers that the first wife had been untrue to her husband, whe is willing to let the husband believe the worst of her rather than that the stigma of shame be attached to the other of the little boy. However, the father learns the truth, and begs the governess to become the mother of his child. In the end, the relatives are silenced and the second wife comes into her own.


WOMEN of fine training and superior ability are sometimes forces by circumstances into positions where other women take advantage of them. This happens most often of course in the domestic circle. It happens in the latest Goldwyn picture of Pauline Frederick in "Bonds of Love" which will be presented at the _____ Theatre.

Pauline Frederick is employed as governess in a wealthy family to take charge of the son. His mother is dead. His father is so devoted to his wife's memory that he has not married again. But he has in his house-hold a young married couple, his wife's sister and her husband who life off his bounty. It is this young woman who insults Pauline Frederick and makes life as uncomfortable as possible for her. She is afraid that the new woman's superior charms will win the affection of the son and the father. And there the trouble begins, in a charming story, the best that Pauline Frederick has had in some time..

"Bonds of Love" arouses the sympathy for Miss Frederick of all mothers and of all the unmarried women whose love of children is still unsatisfied.

"BONDS OF LOVE," the new Goldwyn picture in which Pauline Frederick is starred, will be presented at the _____ Theatre, beginning _____. The production was made with every possible attention to scenic detail; and Hugo Ballin the art director, has furnished some new ideas in interior decorating for the indoor scenes. Reginald Barker, who has directed several of Miss Frederick's previous Goldwyn pictures, again directs her in "Bonds of Love."


THE latest Goldwyn production in which Pauline Frederick is starred at the _____ Theatre this week, is introduced with the announcement that is a Reginald Barker production. This is indeed sufficient to vouch for the excellence of the directing, which in every particular is up to the Goldwyn standard.

The cameraman was Edward Gheller, and Hugo Ballin created several new combinations in arranging the interior settings. The story was written by Louis Sherwin, who for eight years was the dramatic critic of the New York Globe.


A WOMAN'S photograph is a shrine in Pauline Frederick's new Goldwyn photoplay, "Bonds of Love" at the _____ Theatre. The husband and father of the woman's son worships the picture. Since she died, her room has been preserved just as she would have wished it to be. Often and fondly, the widower gazes at the face in the gold frame.

Strangely enough it is that picture which leads to the sudden chage in the current of the story. The governess, who is Pauline Frederick, has won the love of the small son and is jealous of the picture because she loves her husband. She picks up the picture one day, studies it closely and puts it back on the table hastily. The back falls out of it -- and a letter!

The letter is a clue to a secret adventure in the life of the dead wife. Following that clue, Pauline Frederick coes upon a great happiness. This Goldwyn picture is a very fine example of the modern photodrama in which the popular Goldwyn star appears at her magnetic best.


THAT Pauline Frederick is an enthusiastic driver of racing motor boats is not generally known; but in her latest Goldwyn dramatic photoplay, "Bonds of Love," Miss Frederick discloses her ability to hadle a boat with all the assurance of a race driver. The star, in her leisure moments, has become an expert driver of speed boats; and her hobby has been incorperated into one of the ost thrilling scenes ever flashed on the screen.

According to the script of the story which Louis Sherwin, the eminent dramatic critic, wrote for Miss Frederick, she is asked to drive a speed boat through the water of Santa Catalina harbor and rescue little Frankie Lee in another boat. Miss Frederick turned on the gas, shot away from the float, and raced after the other boat at a speed of twenty-five miles an hour. When she drew up along-side the smaller boar, she reached over, swung the boy into her own boat and headed back to shore. The stunt was a daring feat,  and was only possible through Miss Frederick's thorough knowledge of the handling of motor boats.

P. 7-2 Col. Reduced size


PAULINE FREDERICK'S latest Goldwyn picture, "Bonds of Love," by Louis Sherwin, the former dramatic critic of the New York Globe, was presented at the _____ Theatre last night. The story contains many draatic moments which give Miss Frederick an opportunity to disclose new depths in her art. As the governess, and later the step-mother of little Jimmy Cabot (Frankie Lee), Miss Frederick is called upon to show the struggles of a noble woman in many trying situations.

THE power of dead letters over the careers ofliving persons is a tragedy which almost defeats the fine purposes and the noble character of the heroine in Pauline Frederick's dramatic Goldwyn picture, "Bonds of Love," which will be presented at the _____ Teatre.

The letters involved were written by the first wife of the heroine's husband who had enshrined her memory in his heart. A former lover had been the recipient of them. Pauline Frederick, as the second wife, learns of their existence and seeks to destroy them, so that no vestige of dishonor may rest upon the name of the first wife's child, who her successor cherishes as her very own. But in her attempt to secure the incriminating correpondence, the second wife lays herself open to suspicion, with the result that her husband suspects her fidelity and the climax is reached.

Pressbook for BONDS OF LOVE (1919) with Pauline Frederick

on Pauline Fredericks
(sic) in "Bonds of Love"

Goldwyn Pictures

PAULINE FREDERICK, in her latest Goldwyn picture,  "Bonds of Love," wears some of the most beautiful modern costumes which her modist has been able to execute. Miss frederick designs all her own gowns; and they are usually along simple lines But their effect depends so much on the finish with which her simple ideas are carried out, that she superintends in detail the making of each garment. In "Bonds of Love," Miss Frederick wears a few exquisitely tailored walking suits, morning gowns, and afternoon visiting dresses.

The jealousy of a family of parsites directed against a pretty governess culminates in a stirring climax in Pauline Fredericks new Goldwyn picture, "Bonds of Love." The sister and brother-in-law of Daniel Cabot have been living on his bounty since the death of his first wife; and they resent the employment of a governess to care for the boy. Their idea is to keep their benefactor from marrying again in the hope that their parasitic life will continue. However, they are disappointed, as the man marries the governess for her unselfish devotion to his child.

The infidelity of Daniel Cabot's first wife in Pauline Frederick's dramatic Goldwyn photoplay, "Bonds of Love," came to light when the heroine, as the governess fo Cabot's child, became exasperated at the continuous references to the sanctity of the first Mrs. Cabot's memory. The governess enters the room kept as a shrine, look at the dead Mrs. Cabot's picture, and discovers tha the backing of the picture is a love letter from a man not her husband. For the sake of the child, she tries to conceal her knowledge, but it is nevertheless discovered. In the end the governess becomes the second Mrs. Cabot, and the child finds a devoted mother.

Pauline Frederick is a motorboat enthusiast. Although her hobby has never been exploited in a picture, the script of the story of "Bonds of Love," her latest Goldwyn picture, called for the heroine to drive a racing motor boat and rescue a little boy in another boat. Miss Frederick's knowledge of handling a racing boat server her well in the crisis, for she steered her boat right up to the other, seized the child, transferred him to her own boat, and brought him back with her to the landing.

Pauline Frederick's intensely darmatic photodrama, "Bonds of Love," which she has just completed for goldwyn, is a story of mother love, self-sacrifice and family jealousy. The theme is dexterously woven and splendidly interpreted.

Pauline Frederick is surrounded by a small but excellent cast in her newest Goldwyn photoplay, "Bonds of Love," which was written by Louis Sherwin, the former dramatic critic of the New York Globe. Frankie Lee, the seven year old wonder child, plays the most prominent male role. Betty Schade, who was in "Spotlight Sadie," has an important role. Leslie Stuart, just returned from two years in the trenches with the A.E.F., Percy Standing, Charles Clary, and Kate Lester complete an experience group of players.

Edward Gheller, the cinematographer, whose recent discovery of a new way to achieve clear long shots through windows and door by a novel redistribution of light, was the camera man for Pauline Frederick's newest Goldwyn picture, "Bonds of Love." Mr. Gheller has used his dicsovery to excellent advantage in seeral outdoor scenes which were photographed through a window. The effects are remarkably clear as pictures and especially interesting as a hint of what motion photography is coming to.

Hugo Ballin, the Goldwyn art director who arranged all the interior settings of Pauline Frederick's new Goldwyn picture, "Bonds of Love," has received letters from several large furniture dealers in regard to period furniture. Mr. Ballin's success in dressing a scene with simple elegance has found a response among motion picture enthusiasts, who wish to duplicate his results in their own homes. As a result, Mr. Ballin has advised his correspondents, with the aid of a full catalogue, where certain pieces of odd furniture may be obtained.

Pauline Fredericks new dramatic vehicle, "Bonds of Love," in which she will be starred by Goldwyn, is presented as a Reginald barker production. the director has won such a distinguished following through his former Goldwyn productions, that he is being given credit on the screen in a special title for every picture that is filmed under his direction.

Louis Sherwin, who for the past eight years has held a preeminent position in the theatrical and newspaper world as the dramatic critic of the New York Globe, is the author of Pauline Frederick's new Goldwyn picture, "Bonds of Love." In emotional power and thrilling climaxes, the story is a perfect vehicle for Miss Frederick's unusual powers.

EXPLOITATION experts are now in your local Goldwyn exchange ready and eager to render personal assistance in helping you exploit "Bonds of Love." We will send a publicity man direct to your theatre or prepare the material in New York, according to your wishes.

When Pauline Frederick's powerful new picture, "Bonds of Love," is shown at the _____ Theatre, admirers of this omotional actress's unique artistry will again find Miss Frederick equal to every opportunity offered her. As the governess of a motherless child, she wins his love and is instrumental in freeing the child's father from the clutches of a morbid memory which his first wife's relatives insist on deepening so that he will not marry again. Their designs take daring turns until the very thing  they wish to foster is found to be hollow and untrue. In short, the dead wife had been untrue to her husband, and the efforts of her family to enshrine her result in the discovery of her infidelity.

Little Frankie Lee, the seven year old leading Male actor with Pauline Frederick in her newest dramatic Goldwyn picture, "Bonds of Love," has bee acting before the camera for less than a year. His work with Miss Frederick is nothing short of phenomenal. Those who recall the child in "Daddy Long Legs," and "The Westerners," will appreciate the treat that is in store for them when Frankie Lee appears as Miss Frederick's leading"man".

Little Frankie Lee, the child in Pauline Frederick's new Goldwyn Picture, "Bonds of Love," shows what a youngster can do in five minutes with a new hatchet. The Father of His Country could not have done any more. First the child tried the hatcht on the garden hose, the result being a fountain on the lawn. Then, he tested the resistance of his uncle's automobile tires. As was to be expected, the machine was on flat tires within a few minutes. And no one questioned the boy about the hacking episodes. Circumstantial evidence was too strong.

A huge mastiff plays a robustly individual role in Pauline Frederick's new Goldwyn picture, "Bonds of Love." He is introduced as the playmate of a motherless child. His good nature is vouched for by the patience he exhibits when his little master drags him about, beats him, and finally goes to sleep between his powerful forepaws.

Pressbook for BONDS OF LOVE (1919) with Pauline Frederick

The Love That Bound Her

IT was love for her boy that bound her to the house of hate. It was the love that made her suffer in silence under the lash of scandal and suspicion -- that sealed her lips when a word would have broken down the barriers of suspicion and misunderstanding between her husband and herself.

Bonds of Love
By Louis Sherwin     Directed by Reginald Barker

AN absorbing drama of love and sacrifice; a page from the book of life. It will tug at your heart-strings; it will bring tears to your eyes and a smile to your lips. It is Pauline Frederick's crowning dramatic achievement; a masterpiece of emotional entertainment. Don't miss it!

Pressbook for BONDS OF LOVE (1919) with Pauline Frederick


A REPRODUCTION of the lithograph one-sheet. Produced in striking colors, with a snappy scene that will drive home the atmosphere. Display this in your tands and for interior and exterior exploitation. Price 10c.

THE lithograph six sheet. A business-building poster that will attract the crowd to YOUR theatre. Produced in attractive colors. Price 10c a sheet.

A REPRODUCTION of the handsome rotogravure one sheet, finely adapted for window display, as well as for the lobby. Price 10c. Get this "roto." It's a winner (Note the variety of the scenes.)

A REPRODUCTION of the lithograph 24 sheet. Beautifully colored and driving home the sporting spirit of the picture. Display this sheet on all the stands available; it will attract attention and bring the crowds to your theatre.

IT pays to advertise And the billboard is an advertising medium that pays and pays BIG. Obtain from your local Goldwyn exchange a liberal supply of "Bonds of Love" 24's and cover your town with them.

Ready for You!
YOUR Goldwyn exchange will supply you with everything needed to put over Pauline Fredericks (sic) in "Bonds of Love" as a whirlwind money-maker. In addition to the advertising paper reproduced herewith, the accessories include coming and current slides, music cues and lobby photos in three sizes, 8x10, 11x14 and 22x28.

Place your order NOW and get a flying start on your exploitation campaign.

THE lithograph three-sheet, combining power of layout and beauty of color that means BUSINESS for you. Price 10c. a sheet.

Individual Service
GOLDWYN'S Service Department is prepared to render individual exploitation aid for the advance and current promotion of "Bonds of Love." Communicate with us, setting forth exactly what you require in advertising, exploitation and publicity -- and we'll either send a Service Expert direct to your theatre or prepare the campaign in New York in accordance with your wishes.

Advertising "bond" for BONDS OF LOVE (1919) with Pauline Frederick

Incorporated under the laws of the State of Happiness

Your Share
1     Bonds of Love     1
Capital Stock -- Romance, Adventure, Mystery

The Bearer is the owner of one Bond of Love and can partake of the dividends of capital stock which is Romance, Adventure, Mystery, transferable only at the box-office of the theatre showing this Goldwyn Picture for one ticket on payment of the regular admission price.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said corporation has caused this certificate to be signed under the laws of the Stats of Happiness, which is the State of Mind resultant from this photoplay featuring the famous star
Pauline Frederick


with Pauline Frederick and Percy Standing. Directed by Reginald Barker. Goldwyn.

More Information on this film...



Public Domain Mark
This work (Bonds of Love (1919), by Paramount), identified by Bruce Calvert, is free of known copyright restrictions.



Last Modified October 13, 2022