Paramount Theatre, Leeds, England - August 8, 1932
Paramount Theatre WAYWARD 3 GREAT STARS The life that millions know, the people they meet from day to day -- their loves, hates & prejudices -- provides the substance of which Wayward is made. It is understandable; it's like meeting old friends & running away from traditional enemies. It has real characters with Nancy Carroll, Richard Arlen & Pauline Frederick illustriously cast as the girl they called Wayward, the mother eager to see her son in a fortunate marriage and the boy who followed the dictates of his heart. Its entertainment of real people, by real people, for all real people. A Paramount Picture
Because she Loved Life she was Branded A Paramount Picture WITH "WAYWARD" presents three outstanding screen personalities, Nancy Carroll, Richard Arlen and Pauline Frederick. Nancy Carroll's vivacious personality is an effective lure to a host of friends, who admire her beauty and are intrigued with her happy dramatic interpretations. She is well remembered in such outstanding pictures as "Stolen Heaven," "Shopworn Angel" and "Personal Maid," and is to be seen shortly in Ernst Lubitschs's great triumph "The Man I Killed." Richard Arlen personalises virile manhood. He is a type that stands out among many of the male favourites of the screen. Vigorous, lithe, and graceful, he epitomises youth -- restrained, yet ever ready to do or dare -- contemplative, but not visionary -- good-looking, capable. Pauline Frederick's exquisite features and soft sonorous voice are characteristics that for years have enhanced her subtle dramatic talent and placed her in the front rank of stage and screen stars. Miss Frederick's life mirrors the progress of the dramatic art for more than two decades. She has always been an actress extraordinary and possesses a personality of rare charm, that has won for her the admiration of many patrons of stage and screen. Miss Frederick first won national acclaim in the title role of the stage play, "Madam X," which as followed by "The Dollar Mark," "The Queen Was in the Parlour," and many others of outstanding merit. "Wayward" strikes a new note amid the season's offerings of a widely varied list of entertaining dramas of sophistication. It is the story of the love of a young married couple -- deep, sincere and enduring, in which Nancy Carroll and Richard Arlen give a natural portrayal of the great emotion. More Information on the Paramount Theatre... The Paramount Theatre at CinemaTreasures.com Last Modified June 24, 2024 |