Roxy Theatre, New York City, New York - February 18, 1928
MUSIC is a universal language. It opens the floodgates of emotion; it fires the imagination; it touches the heart of humanity. Daily as I read the thousands of letters that come to us from all over the country, from lonely farms and isolated hamlets; from young and old, from the ill and weary; I am given constant reassurance of the blessings of music. We are grateful to be able to send through the all-reaching radio, this universal message. From the Old Sailors' Home in Boston: "What a cheerful life you have put into our old withered bodies, men who have followed the seven seas in our younger days; who can now listen to your concerts over the air instead of the stormy winds and angry seas." From one who scrawled with unseeing eyes: "Your Sunday afternon (sic) concerts are a feast for the soul. I thank you all with all my heart. I am blind but your concerts are one of the greatest joys I have." Here at the Roxy, the Blessing of music is available to all - the large symphony orchestra; the great organ with its three consoles; the chorus and the splendid solo voices. Rest and relax. Let the music heal you and make you whole. Rothafel "Roxy"
ROXY THEATRE WEEKLY REVIEW The Flavor of Strange Lands -- Is in "A Girl in Every Port" and Victor McLaglen feels at home in all of them.
A Soldier of Good Fortune Victor McLaglen's Adventurous Life Particularly Fitted Him for the Role of the Seafarer with "A Girl in Every Port" By Edward Hart ADVENTURE calls as strongly to Victor McLaglen on the screen as it did in real life when it drew him toward two wars and into the worst of one of them. Great psychologists say every actor plays best those parts that match his disposition. Therefore Victor McLaglen scores in "What Price Glory" and "The Loves of Carmen" and now in "A Girl in Every Port." From his teens McLaglen has billed himself as a soldier of fortune. Since he was 14 he has been footloose and fancy free. At an age when most boys are still enthusiastic about school sports, McLaglen was begging his father, then a bishop of the Church of England, to let him enlist and serve in the Boer War. Refusal merely spurred on this fourteen year old boy who promptly found a recruiting sergeant and signed himself into a job with King's Life Guards at Windsor Castle. After three years of this, his father was allowed to buy him out of service, but to no avail. Wanderlust had mastered Victor and he was not to be tied down. Before the family had a chance to think up new plans for him, Victor sallied forth on a career of adventure and sight-seeing that took him all over the face of the globe. His brother Arthur joined him when he reached India, and together they sailed for Cape Town, South Africa, arriving there just in time, to hear that the war was at war. They left immediately for England to take arms. Upon their arrival in London they found all the other McLaglen boys who had been in far corners of the world were assembled for action. Leo had come home from China, Lewis and Clifford from South American and fred from Canada - all six-footers, and over, with Victor now standing six-feet-three. Within a few days all had enlisted for service and had been assigned to various outfits on the British front. Victor, due to his experience in the Life Guards, was commissioned a lieutenant and for several weeks he served as recruiting officer at Trafalgar Square, London. After signing 600 men for service Victor was sent to Mesopotamia and attached to the Royal Fusiliers. He went through the grueling warfare of a number of spectacular engagtements with the Turks and Arabs. Among other things he was in the midst of the heavy fighting at Shiek (sic) Saad, at Judalia and Sind, and, later on, (To Page 14 Please)
ROXY THEATRE 50th Street and 7th Avenue, New York FIRE NOTICE -- Look around NOW and choose the nearest Exit to your seat. In case of fire, walk, (not run) to THAT Exit. Do not try to beat your neighbor to the street. -- JOHN J. DORMAN, Fire Commissioner. PROGRAM Week Beginning Saturday, February 18, 1928 Performances Continuous from Noon to Midnight De Luxe Performances at 2:00; 4:00; 7:15; 9:15 P.M. The programs of the Roxy Theatre are conceived, staged and lighted under the personal Direction of S. L. Rothafel, "Roxy." 1. ROXY GRAND ORGAN (Kimball) Organists: Lew White, C. A. J. Parmentier and George Epstyne 2. ROXY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Erno Rapee Charles Previn
Joseph Littau Mischa Violin Overture, "Il Guarany" ... Gomez Leo Staats Maitre de Ballet
PROGRAM (continued) 3. TABLEAUX AMERICANA (c) "His Truth Goes Marching On" 4. "AMONG MY SOUVENIRS"
... Nicholls 5. THE OLD MASTER The Master ... Frederick Fradkin
PROGRAM (continued) 5. THE OLD MASTER (Continued) The Vision ... The Roxy Ensemble 6. MAGAZINE AND FOX MOVIETONE NEWSREEL News of the world with sound reproduction 7. AN INDIAN WEDDING FESTIVAL The Orchestra 8. WILLIAM FOX presents VICTOR McLAGLEN in Story by J. B. McGuinness Howard Hawks Production THE CAST
THIS PROGRAM SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE The Steinway is the official piano of the Roxy Theatre A Duo Art piano on themain floor of the Grand Rotunda The Lyon and Healy Harp is used in the Roxy Symphony Orchestra Percussion Instruments in the Roxy Symphony Orchestra from Landay Bros. Scenery designed by Clark Robinson and executed by the Joseph Teichner Studios Wigs by Schindhelm Costumes by Eaves
The Roxy Theatre STAFF
Orchestral Conductors Erno Rapee, Charles Previn, Joseph Littau Composer Ballet
House Staff
A REQUEST We, the attaches of the Roxy Theatre, earnestly request our patrons to kindly refrain from offering gratuities for any services rendered. We have pledged Mr. S. L. Rothafel, "Roxy" that we will under no circumstances accept payment from his patrons for courtesies we enjoy extending to them. We regard the Roxy Theatre as a university and place ourselves in the position of students seeking better understand and appreciation of theatre arts. Patrons of the theatre are our guests and we place ourselves in the position of hosts. The offering of a gratuity will be mutually embarrassing because it will be politely be refused. Being associated with Mr. Rothafel is a distinct privilege and pleasure that we feels is sufficient remuneration. THE ATTACHES -- Joseph Flaherty (Chief Usher)
Wherein Madge Bellamy Becomes Herself Again "You can't please everybody about the color of your hair, can you?" says Madge Bellamy, star of "Soft Living," next week's feature at the Roxy. She oought to know, for in striving to please she has veered from brunette to Titian tresses and from Titian to blonde and back again in the few years - with all the fickleness of a weather-vane. "You can't please everybody, so you may just as well please yourself. I was born a brunette and a brunette I'm going to be henceforth - gentlemen nothwithstanding." Miss Bellamy has wide brown eyes, a fair skin with just a suggestion of freckles, and her hair, as nature planned it, is dark brown with fascinating gleams of red. It used to be long and luxuriant with tendrils that curved deliciously about her forehead in the days when she started her picture career and played a pioneer maid in "The Iron Horse". Soon after that, it happened that some press agent discovered that Helen of Troy and many other well-known and much-admired ladies of history were red-heads. So the bottle of henna achieved a place on the Bellamy dressing table. Then along came "Sandy" and when they handed Madge the title role, it was with the provision that she give her personality a thorough overhauling. Almost overnight, she was required to change from an old-fashioned girl to a flapper, and the story character demanded that she be bobbed, blonde and blasé. The trouble came when she started to go back to her original coloring, for it was about that time that Anita Loos discovered that gentlemen prefer blondes, and the powers that govern studio destinies decreed that Madge should retain her golden locks indefinitely. "I liked being bobbed, but I was never never meant to have light hair," said Madge. It didn't go with the rest of me. I kept saying so for a year, and eventually prevailed. In 'Soft Living' I am back to my natural coloring - which is brunette. Red-head - Blonde - Brunette - Madge Bellamy has been all of them! But when she comes to the Roxy next week as star of "Soft Living" she goes back to her proper color scheme. Exclusive Whitney's
The Query Box at the Roxy WHAT is little Janet Gaynor of Seventh Heaven doing now - and when will we see her again? You'll be tickled! She is about to go to Vienna to enact the delightful sweetheart of Schubert in "Blossomtime," which is to be done in pictures with that same delicate touch that made it a year-after-year success as an opera. Meanwhile she and Charles Farrell, also of "Seventh Heaven" will be seen in "Street Angel," a Fox special. Wouldn't it be nice if a helpful cup of coffee were served in the lounge of the big house? All suggestions for improvement of the Roxy service are appreciated - and this one will be taken up and fully weighed. There's a lot of stimulation in the music programs. How much is spend on the making of motion pictures each year? Dollars and cents, dollars and cents. Why not be interested in how many really worthwhile pictures are produced. Just in Hollywood alone $150,000,000 is given as the usual outpouring. The total must be about $200,000,000 - with one great picture to each - well, how many millions of dollars would you say? After the Show Hotel Manger Grill New York's Newest and Most Palatial CHINESE and
AMERICAN RESTAURANT &ldots;after leaving this Beautiful Theatre -- CAVIAR RESTAURANT
A Soldier of Good Fortune he was with the forces that battled their way to the relief of Kut-el-Amara. Following these engagements he was given a captaincy and was made assistant provost - virtually chief of police over 30,000 to 50,000 men who were concentrating on the elimination of enemy spies. When the British forces re-captured Kur-el-Amara, Captain McLaglen was in the center of activities. He gave such a good account of himself in action that, sometime later, he was given the hazardous post of provost marshal of Bagdad with orders to clean it up thoroughly. Following that experience, McLaglen was billeted back to "Blighty," for the war was over. After some thought he decided to enter upon intensive training for the diplomatic service, believing his knowledge of the colonies and his linguistic ability would fit him for such a berth. However, Fate in the form of a motion picture director with an eye for the picturesque and personality-plus, changed the course of his life. The director chanced upon Victor one night at the National Sporting Club in London. He was about to case for his production, "The Call of the Road." He asked Victor to play a role. Before the production was released, McLaglen, always interested in sports, attended the Oxford-Cambridge boat races. Here in the course of the day's activities he was introduced to J. Stuart Blackton, the American producer. The result of this chance meeting was the leading role for Captain McLaglen in "The Glorious Adventure" opposite Lady Diana Manners. Meanwhile Blackton has returned to the States. When he was planning to produce "The Beloved Brute" he was reminded of the likeable McLaglen of "The Glorious Adventure." He cabled for Victor, asking him to play the title role. This was the beginning of the career of the soldier-actor on American soil - the lovable Captain Flagg of Fox Films version of "What Price Glory," who walked right into the hears of theatre-goers, immediately sat down and made himself at home. And that part lead to his long erm contract with Fox. NEXT WEEK AT THE ROXY "SOFT LIVING" A Sparkling Comedy-Drama Roxy Symphony Concerts Every Sunday morning at 11:30 the Roxy Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Erna Rapee, gives a symphonic conert in the theatre. Internationally known artists from the concert world and promising young Americans are featured as soloists. Regular Sunday prices of admission prevail and those attending the concerts may remain for the whole theatre program
Roxy Theatre EXIT DIAGRAMS FIRE NOTICE -- Look around NOW and choose the nearest Exit to your seat. In case of fire, walk (not run) to THAT exit. Do not try to beat your neighbor to the street. JOHN J. DORMAN (Fire Commissioner) Times Square Printing Co. More Information on the Roxy Theatre... The Roxy Theatre at CinemaTreasures.com Last Modified October 22, 2013 |