When Betty Bets (1917)
Reel Life, May 05, 1917, page 5 WHEN BETTY BETS Marden - Mutual Comedy -- Two Reels -- Featuring Clever Marie Cahill The rich uncle of "Hopeful John" objects to his marriage with Mabel, the sister of Betty, who is Marie Cahill. Betty tries to fix things for the young couple. An argument ensues in which Uncle tells Betty she is useless except as a spender. Betty offers to bet that she can make $1000 in thirty days. Uncle takes the bet. If she wins Uncle will consent to John's marriage. If she loses the stuf's off. Betty arranges an ingenious syste of family blackmail by which she compels Uncle to pay her more than $1,000 in thirty days and he is glad to consent to the wedding.
with Marie Cahill. Directed by <unknown>. Marden/Mutual. More Information on this film...
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