Stone Theatre, Brooklyn, New York, USA - July 28, 1934
STONE Theatre
Sat., Sat. Midnight, Sun. & Mon. Coming direct from its Radio City Success! "OF HUMAN BONDAGE"
with -- And On Same Program --
"I CAN'T ESCAPE" "Of Human Bondage" The love that lifted a man to paradise... and hurled him back to earth again! There's a fool like him in every family... and a woman next door to take him over!
LESLIE HOWARD W. Somerset Maughom's sensational human drama
Sat., Sat. Midnite, Sun. & Mon. You can't afford to iss the outstanding picture of the year... the book ready by millions... The greatest novel of the Twentieth Century... Now, brings to the screen Humanity's Tortured Heart-Cry
And on the Same Program More Information on the Stone Theatre... The Stone Theatre at CinemaTreasures.com Photos from OF HUMAN BONDAGE (1934) Last Modified May 26, 2021 |