Buster Keaton

Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Buster Keaton and Jimmy Durante

Stan Laurel, Buster Ketaon, Oliver Hardy, and Jimmy Durante, in an MGM publicity photo from about 1932

Buster Keaton in COLLEGE (1927)

Buster Keaton in THE GENERAL (1927)

Buster Keaton in SPITE MARRIAGE (1929)

Buster Keaton in WHAT NO BEER? (1933)

More Information on Buster Keaton ...



Buster Keaton Remembered, by Eleanor Keaton and Jeffrey Vance

The Complete Films of Buster Keaton, by Jim Cline

Keaton, the Man Who Wouldn't Lie Down, by Tom Darsis

Keaton: The Silent Features Close Up, by Daniel Moews

Silent Echoes: Discovering Early Hollywood Through the Films of Buster Keaton, by John Bengtson

Last Modified September 2, 2008