A Clean Sweep (1918)
Rip Roaring
"A Clean Sweep"
CHARLIE of the Orient
the only Chinese Comedian in Pictures.
Charlie of the Orient
in this rip snortin' L-KO -- "A CLEAN SWEEP" -- shows a brand of
"Chinese comedy" that's entirely new in this country. Safe to say that
Charlie of the Orient introduces for the first time to American screens
a line of oriental laughs that have never been seen before. Charlie is a
mighty good bet for your advertising, for there has not appeared to date
a real Chinese comedian, and you can make "meat" of Charlie's appearance
in your house in this L-KO. Book this and all forthcoming L-KO'S, also
the past releases. They are all laugh getters, and you can't show too
many comedies now in war times. The people want them all.
Book thru nearest UNIVERSAL FILM MFG. CO.
Carl Laemmle, Pres.
1600 Broadway, N.Y.
-- The Moving Picture Weekly (Universal's trade magazine),
July 20, 1918.
with Chai Hong and Eddie Barry. Unknown director.
L-KO/ Universal.
More Information on this film...
This work (A Clean Sweep (1918), by
Universal), identified by
Bruce Calvert, is free of known
copyright restrictions.
Last Modified October 8, 2011.