Ham Takes a Chance (1916)

Ethel Tearle, Lloyd Hamilton and Bud Duncan in HAM TAKES A CHANCE (1915)

Ethel Tearle, Lloyd Hamilton, and Bud Duncan

Thanks to Richard Roberts and Steve Massa for identifying this photo.

And Here is the News That You Have Been Waiting For --
His return bow is made in "HAM TAKES A CHANCE," Released February 15.

Make a note of that release date now, for you won't want to miss a single issue of the new better-than-ever Ham comedies. The world-famous comedian will delight his large following more than ever in these new subjects. In "Ham Takes a Chance," Ham and Bud get jobs with a broken down road show, of which Ethel is the star. Bud's task is to exercise the prima donna's pet snakes, while Ham will make you r sides split with laughter as the knife-throwing expert with Bud as his target. A rollicking single reeler that brings you back to the "good old days" when Ham never failed to pack your house. 1 and 3-sheet 4-color lithographs on this subject, also a stock 3-sheet that is a sure-fire business builder.

These pictures obtainable at all General Film Company branch offices


-- Ad in Moving Picture World, February 5, 1916, page 744

"Ham" Comedies Ready
Comedian Long absent From Screen Makes Return Bow in February

PHOTOPLAY fans will not have to wait much longer for a glimpse of Lloyd V. Hamilton on the screen once more. Two "Ham" comedies have been complete since the return of the popular Kalem comedian to active screen work and are announced for release in February. They are "Ham Takes a Chance," and "Ham, the Diver," both single reel subjects. Bud Duncan and Ethel Teare (sic) are once more the players featured with "Ham." Gus Leonard, the former Orpheum circuit star is an addition to the company who has gained considerable popularity since "Ham's" lay-off because of injury. With Jack MacDermott, the juvenile, he will continue to appear in the "Ham" comedies, making the organization one deserving of "all star" claims.

"Ham Takes a Chance," the one reel subject which will marks the comedian's return to the screen is scheduled for release on February 15. It takes "Ham" back to the atmosphere in which he was so favorably known to his followers in the past, that of a broken-down theatrical troupe. The theatrical organization numbers in its ranks Ethel, a dancer, Gus, a knife thorwer and Jack, the darkey man-of-all-work. One glance from Ethel's eyes and Ham and Bud decide to become members of the troupe. Bud's job is to exercise Fritz and Bertha, Ethel's pet snakes, while Ham is the target for the knife thrower. When Gus is suddenly taken ill Ham induces Bud to become the target while he throws the knives. With this basis the fun that follows may be imagined.

-- Moving Picture World, February 5, 1916, page 792

with Lloyd Hamilton, Bud Duncan and Ethel Tearle. Directed by William Beaudine. Kalem.

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Last Modified June 25, 2019