His Double Life (1918)
"His Double Life" with RAY GRIFFITH, DOROTHY HAGAR Released by Triangle Distributing
"His Double Life" with RAY GRIFFITH, DOROTHY HAGAR Released by Triangle Distributing Claire Anderson (or her stunt double)
"His Double Life" with RAY GRIFFITH, DOROTHY HAGAR Released by Triangle Distributing Claire Anderson and Raymond Griffith Claire Anderson, ingenue with the Triangle-Keystone, has deserted comedy for the drama and is now case with Triangle Director E. Mason Hopper, in "John Warfield," a gripping screen drama written by E. Magns Ingleton. Miss Anderson's last comedy appearance was with Director Harry Edwards in Ray Griffith's picture, "His Double Life." In this comedy Miss Anderson was called on to do one of the most dangerous stunts in her moving picture career when she leaped from a bridge to the tender of a rapidly moving train twenty feet below. This leap was one of the big thrills in "His Double Life." -- Moving Picture World, January 26, 1918, p. 498 Ray Griffith’s head has been turned by success,
success in obtaining a wife, two mother-in-laws, one father-in-law, and
nine children. The amusing complications which ensue when he tries to
marry an heiress are depicted in “His Double Life,” the Keystone comedy
released for the week of February 17, featuring Ray Griffith, Claire
Anderson, and Dorothy Hagar. -- Moving Picture World, February 23, 1918, page 1113 “His Double Life” RAY GRIFFITH is featured in this Triangle comedy as a
husband of an unusually large family. He gets knocked on the head by an
automobile and has a wild dream about being rescued by an heiress, winning
out over her other suitor and leading her up to the justice of the peace
to be married when confronted by his wife. Then he awakes. The two reels
contain a moderate number of laughs, which results mainly from the
business which Griffith interpolates. He is a natural-born comedian and is
the very life of “His Double Life.” -- Motion Picture News, March 2, 1918, page 1315 with Raymond Griffith, Claire Anderson, and Dorothy Hagen. Directed by Harry Edwards. Keystone/Triangle. More Information on this film...
Books None Last Modified May 22, 2023.