Iron Claw, The (1916)
Produced by the FEATURE FILM CORPORATION Under the Personal Supervision
of EDOUARD JOSE The ingenuity of the otion picture scenario writer almost passes belief. The ingenuity of the serial motion picture scenario writer quite passes belief. "THE LIVING DEAD," the latests episode of Pathe's THE IRON CLAW, is responsible for our attitude, and we clain exemption from heckling on this point on the grounds of serial provocation. Last night at the _____ theatre, showing one episode of THE IRON CLAW per wee, the latest chapter of this remarkable serial photoplay was shown, and for thrils (sic) unadulterated had the edge of any chapter of The Arabian Nights (as yet translated into English). Very briefly, the plot is this: David Manley, Enoch Golden's secretary, pretends that he has been killed by the minute poisoned arrow with which, in the previous episode, he was... THE SIGN of the ROOSTER
THE IRON CLAW wounded by a lieutenant of Jules Legar, the Iron Claw. Legar, foe of Golden and all that is his, goes to the Golden mausoleum to solve the ystery. Manley and the police trap him, but he blows up the mausoleum. He and Manley, badly bruised, make their separate escapes. Legar encounters Margery. Golden's daughter, in her stalled auto, but the Laughing Mask, terror of evil-doers, saves her life. The Mask pursues Legar and they meet on the upper girders of the nearby steel plant. The Laughing Mask falls and Legar escapes. See the continuation of the grim manhunt in the next episode - "THE SAVING OF DAN O'MARA." 1, 3, and 6 Sheet Posters PATHÉ EXCHANGE (Note: We urge the use of the above synopsis for your program and newspaper publicity. For cuts and photographs apply to your Pathe Exchange Manager.) IS YOUR GUARANTEE with Pearl White, Creighton Hale, and Sheldon Lewis. Directed by George B. Seitz. Pathé. More Information on this film...
Books (none). Last Modified December 22, 2021 |