The Iron Ring [Slaves of Passion] (1917)

SLAVES OF PASSION (1917) pressbook

Slaves of Passion

A Drama of Domestic Life

SLAVES OF PASSION [The Iron Ring] Pressbook

"Slaves of Passion"
An Intense Drama of Present Day People


Aleek Hulette Edward Langford
Bess Hulette Gerda Holmes
Mrs. George Leonard Alexandra Carewe
Ellery Leonard Herbert Frank
Jack Delamore Arthur Ashley
Dorothy Gladys Thompson
Charles Brown George Cowl
Dr. Hogue Victor Kennard
Stephen Graves George MacQuarrie
Sloane Richard Clarke


Featuring Gerda Holmes and Edward Langford.

SLAVES OF PASSION [The Iron Ring] Pressbook with Edward Langford and Gerda Holmes


"So you are the new partner I've been hearing so much about."

The Story

ALECK HULETTE and his wife Bess, after two years' married life, were supremely happy in the blessing of love and mutual confidence. As Bess said -- "We've never had a secret from each other since our marriage."  Aleck ran a small independent advertising business, and when he received an offer to join the big Graves Agency, he felt that at last, his opportunity had arrived -- for the new partnership meant money, success, position! But old Graves, senior partner of the Agency, and a confirmed bachelor, warned his new colleague against telling his wife about business matters. Thus the first cloud cast a shadow over the happy married couple.


Then Aleck became absorbed in his new business, and was

SLAVES OF PASSION [The Iron Ring] Pressbook with Edward Langford and Gerda Holmes


"It will be the first night we have been separated since our marriage."

often absent from home. Bess felt this very much at first, but was partly consoled by her lively neighbour, Mrs. Leonard, who was particularly fond of gaiety. Shopping excursions, with al fresco luncheons, passed the time very pleasantly. But Ellery Leonard was not satisfied with his wife's excursions to Bohemia, where she met certain "men about town." These included a certain Charles Brown and Jack Delamore, neither of whom were desirable companions for either his wife or Bess. Delamore and his sister Dorothy were hurt in a motor crash near the Leonards' residence, and Dorothy had to receive medical attention at the hands of Dr. Hogue. More shopping excursions, luncheons and parties keep Bess busy, and gradually she becomes estranged and restless. But Aleck pursues his business career with persistence and success.


Bess was by this time deep into the mire of association with

SLAVES OF PASSION [The Iron Ring] Pressbook with Edward Langford and Gerda Holmes


"But think what it means to us! Money - luxury - and a big future!"

doubtful acquaintances, lead by Mrs. Leonard, and ably supported by her numerous friends. But Ellery Leonard, having obtained direct information of his wife's infidelity, resolves to have a swift and heavy punishment. Dorothy, too, has fallen in love with the young and hansome Dr. Hogue, and delays her convalescence in order to see more of him. Aleck, also, was reaping many business successes, but was not happy. He showered persents and luxuries in Bess and the home; but the lonely wife was all the more determined to go on with her gay friends. Aleck is not happy at the thought of his wife associating with a man of Delamore's stamp, and asks her not to see him again; but Bess resents this, declaring that is is only the whim of a neglectful husband. And so they drift apart.


Arranged by Mrs. Leonard, the birthday party at Delamore's flat was to be a gorgeous affair, strictly confined to four persons. While Charlie Brown looked after himself, Delamore would be able to flirt with Bess. But Charlie Brown declined the invite, and renounced Mrs. Leonard; for, as he told he

SLAVES OF PASSION [The Iron Ring] Pressbook with Arthur Ashley and Gerda Holmes


"No, the drink hasn't got to my head! It is you, little girl -- you have been going to my head for months!

had determined to get married and live another kind of existence. This so upset the lady that she, too, failed to attend the party. And so when Bess arrived she found herself tete-a-tete with Delamore, which was not altogether to her liking. And when after dinner, Delamore made violent love to her, Bess was amazed and terrorized. She called loudly for help, and to her great relief her husband stepped out of the shadows. He had arrived home unexpectedly, and hearing of the birthday party, went to Delamore's flat, just in time to rescue Bess. But Aleck was very angry with them both, denounced Delamore as a traitor, and cast off his wife in scorn.


At this moment, the telephone rang. It is Mrs. Hogue, the doctor's wife, who informs Delamore that his sister and the doctor have eloped. She reads Hogue's farewell letter, and pleads for him to rescue his sister, and the stop the runaways on their way to Chicago. Delamore, shocked and subdued, realizes his folly and assures Aleck that his wife is innocent. Bess begs to be taken home, while Delamore rushes out in pursuit of his sister. Aleck

SLAVES OF PASSION [The Iron Ring] Pressbook with Arthur Ashley and Gerda Holmes


She was leaving when suddenly taken ill.

relents, after a whispered word from the butler, but on arrival home find Mrs. Leonard in great distress, for her husband had discovered and read the letters of Brown, and, in despair, had committed suicide. "It is a judgement upon me," she said in tears, "for the way I have treated the love of a good man." And Delamore arrived at the station in time to snatch Dorothy from Hogue, who ashamed and humbled, returned to his wife. The complete reconciliation of Aleck and Bess followed, and the decided to make of their mistakes stepping stone to their future happiness.


SLAVES OF PASSION [The Iron Ring] Pressbook with Edward Langford and Gerda Holmes


"I was mad enough to kill -- but what you have stolen is not worth that reprisal."


Swiftly and smoothly moving to a gripping climax, and telling a modern story of interesting, entertaing, and human people. "Slaves of Passion" will prove a real treat to all picturegoers.

"Slaves of Passion," a new production, tells a vivid story of people of the present day, people of the sort you meet everywhere, and all of an interesting and human cast. Not a single character is overdrawn, and all are true to life. It is splendidly acted and staged, and should constitute a pay-box attraction.

There is an all-star cast in "Slaves of Passion," the new production, with Edward Langford, Arthur Ashley and Gerda Holmes in the principal roles. The scenic investiture is all that

SLAVES OF PASSION [The Iron Ring] Pressbook with Edward Langford and Gerda Holmes


could possibly be desired and as the story moves at a speedy rate through a series of gripping incidents to a big and thrilling climax, it is evident that in this picture the seeker for the best in motion picture entertainment has a real treat in store.


You were a wife of two years --
And your husband always confided everything to you --
And you had never been separated a night since your marriage;
And suppose that all at once --
Your husband refused to tell you anything more about his business affairs on the advice of his new partner;
And he was called away frequently on long business trips, leaving you along --
Wouldn't you feel neglected under these circumstances?

This is the state of affairs Bess Hulette is up against in "Slaves of Passion," which has a star case including Arthur Ashley, Edward Langford and Gerda Holmes. A picture well worth the seeing.

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Jordison & Co., Ltd., Printers, London and Middlesbrough

Slaves of Passion was the British release title for The Iron Ring.

with Edward Langford, Gerda Holmes, and Arthur Ashley. Directed by George Archainbaud. World Film.

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Public Domain Mark
This work (The Iron Ring (1917), by World Film), identified by Bruce Calvert, is free of known copyright restrictions.



Last Modified December 12, 2022