Jim Slocum No. 46,393 (1916)
The Moving Picture Weekly, May 27, 1916, page 20 King Baggot in "Jim Slocum No. 46,393" Two-Reel Imp Heart-Interest drama, Written by Robert F. Hill. Produced by Robert Cummings. CAST
JIM SLOCUM is earning his living as a chauffeur for a taxicab company. His baby is taken ill, and on returning fromhis day's work, Kim makes his wife, Kitty, go to bed, and watches through the long silent hours of the night to save the worn-out mother. The next day, while off duty, Jim drives home to see how the baby is getting along, and another chauffeur removes a tire from his car. Jim returns to the taxi-cab stand, and owning to his prolonged vigil the night before, he falls asleep on his cab. The starter, on finding him asleep, discharges him, accusing him wrongfuly of drunkenness, and when he goes to get his wages, the cashier tells him that there is nothing coming to him, as the missing tire put him back $25.00. On his return home, the doctor in attendance tells Jim that the baby's case is very serious, and urges that a famous specialist, Dr. Turner, be called into consultation. Jim calls on Dr. Turner, who is about to take the case, without exacting his customary fee, when a rich man is ushered in and persuades him to attend one of his children without delay. Jim is dumbfounded, and tries to prevent the Doctor from leaving him in the lurch. Thereupon, the Doctor loses his temper, and pushes his (sic) aside. As Jim is persistent, the butler throws him out of the house, and Jim vows vengeance as he sees the Doctor drive off in the rich man's car. It turns out that there is nothing the matter with the rich man's child, except that it has eaten too much. Later in the day, Jim, on his return home, finds that his baby has died, and that the heart-broken mother has had repeated fainting spells from grief, excessive fatigue, and lack of nourishment. Leaving his wife in the care of Mrs. Cassidy, a kindly old Irishwoman, he goes out resolved to seek revenge. Meanwhile, Mrs. Turner, as the Doctor is detained on an important case, drives off alone in her limousine to attend a fashionable reception, instructing Carter, the colored chauffeur, to return with the car about midnight. Shortly before midnight, Jim, with his face partly masked by a handkerchief, enters the house of Dr. Turner. He comes into the nursery through a window, and while he is examining some trinkets on a dresser, the doctor's little boy crawls (continued on page 37.)
out of bed and tries to hold him up with a toy gun. Jim laughs and humors the boy. Then he put him back to bad, and waves him goodby (sic) after assuring him that he won't take anything from his home. On leaving the reception, Mrs. Turner slips as she is about to enter her car, and the colored chauffeur, Carter catches her as she falls backwards into his arms. Carter, who has been drinking, flatters himself that he has made a conquest and, when Mrs. Turner alights at her home, he follows her upstairs. Jim, who is on his way to make his escape, hears them coming, dodges into the library, and hides behind a screen. Mrs. Turner enters the library, turns on the light, and tells Carter he can go. carter, however, advances towards her, catches her in his arms, and tries to kiss her. Mrs. Carter (sic, should be Turner) recoils from him in horror, and struggles to free herself. Jim throws the screen aside, knowcks the negro down, and beats him to a finish. Mrs. Turner has fallen in a faint on the floor, and a maid who has been awakened by the rumpus, rushes in to look after her. Jim takes Carter by the collar, drags him downstairs, throws him into the street, and makes his escape just as Doctor Turner arrives home in a taxi-cab, and Carter is crawling away in fright. The Doctor enters the library and hears from his wife of carter's disgraceful behavior. The next morning Jim's chauffeur button is picked up in the Turner household. Mrs. Turner suggests that the button may lead to the discovery of the gallant burglar, who came to her rescue. The Doctor gets in touch with the state License Bureau, and through the number on the button, ascertains Jim's name and address. Then he induces Jim to call at his house. But when he shows him the button, Jim thinks he is caught, and looks about for a way to escape. But the Doctor allays his fear. Jim breaks downand confesses that hs is on the verge of starvation and that his wife, even now may be dying from lack of nourishment. The Doctor gets Jim to act as his chauffeur, and they drive to the tenement, where they find Kittie being cared for by the old Irishwoman, who, in the meantime, has brought in a "bit of broth for the colleen." After examining Kittie, the Doctor tells Jim that a good rest will restore the roses to her cheeks, and then they take her to the hospital under the Doctor's charge. A month later, Kittie is convalescent. Jim has a job as the Doctor's chauffeur, and takes Kittie out for a drive. He points out a cottage near the Doctor's house, and tells her that it is to be their home, provided for them by Doctor Turner. Presently they enter the cottage, where the old Irishwoman from the tenement is setting the table in the dining room. Then the Doctor enters and tells Kittie that he is going to keep Jim right near him in the future. As the Doctor leaves, Jim takes Kittie in his arms. They both rejoice at finding themselves established in such a wonderful home, and the old woman showers blessings on them in her genial Hibernian way.
with King Baggot, Edna Hunter, and Charles Ogle. Directed by Robert Cummings. Imp/Universal. More Information on this film...
Books None. Last Modified January 29, 2009.