Liverpool Theatre, Liverpool, New York - September 6, 1927
LON CHANEY in "MR. WU" Save Money ON PAINT COMING ATTRACTIONS Savoy Printing Co., 729 -- 7th Ave., N.Y.C.
LIVERPOOL THEATRE Photoplays of Distinction -- Program Subject to Change at the Discretion of the Management TUES. and WED., SEPTEMBER 6th and 7th -- CHARLES RAY in "A TAILOR MADE MAN" By. H. J. Smith, as produced by Cohan and Harris in the United States of America. Positively the best Ray picture ever produced. Clothes plus ambition make the man -- and Ray proves it in his latest and greatest sensation. Fits him, will please you. Buster Brown Comedy Life Cartoon FRI. and SAT., SEPTEMBER 9th and 10th Dorothy Phillips and Vera Reynolds in "WITHOUT MERCY" Out of the dim recesses of the terrible past -- the
man -- the whip -- the bitter agony of suffering at his hands. Hamilton Comedy And News SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th -- JEAN HERSHOLT in "THE OLD SOAK" Sparkling -- genuine -- rich -- and glowing. Soothing humor with the pungent touch of near-tragedy to lent it spice. With the ever-alluring flavor of back-stage life. It wil warm the cockles of your heart. Snookums Comedy Felix Cartoon TUES. AND WED., SEPTEMBER 13th and 14th -- Jack Pickford and Norma Shearer in "WAKING UP THE TOWN" A vivid picture of the struggle for opportunity and the wistfulness of every ambitious boy vividly dramatized -- picturing the humors of misfortune, the tragedies of luck and the mysteries of love. Christie Comedy Hodge Podge FRI. and SAT., SEPTEMBER 16th and 17th -- LON CHANEY in "MR. WU" The famout Chinese love drama by H. H. Owen and Harold Vernon starring Lon chaney in his most successful characterization. Excuse Maker Comedy And News Photo from Waking Up the Town (1925) More Information on the Liverpool Theatre... The Liverpool Theatre at CinemaTreasures.com Last Modified October 23, 2012