Boulevard Theatre, Los Angeles, California - March 27, 1927
No. 76
EVERY SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAM Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, mARCH 27TH, 28TH AND 29TH LOVE THROWS THE SPOTLIGHT IN THIS BACK-STAGE DRAMA! "AN AFFAIR OF THE FOLLIES" NOVEL PLOT KINKS IN STAGE ROMANCE Did you ever try to meet someone for a whole year, and then discover that during all that time you had been lunching at a restaurant table adjoining his, six days per week? That is one of the many intensely human plot kinks of First National's "An Affair of the Follies. Lewis Stone, Billie Dove and Lloyd hughes are featured in the picture, which begins in a New York chop house, where three men whose lives are being vitally entangled by outside events meet daily without knowing each other. Of course, it is a woman who brings the three men together -- charming Billie Dove, who is the screen wife of Lloyd Hughes and the object of Lewis Stone's affections. The story is packed with clever twists and genuine human interest, and parts of it are a gorgeous visual treat, for among the various settings are some colorful scenes of the famous Music Box Revue. On the stage will be Fanchon and Marco's Soecialty Acts and Vod-Bits featuring Lynn Cowan, "The Clown prince of Pep" and the original Boulevard Band. the boys have several clever numbers to present which are sure to please you. ON THE STAGE LYNN COWAN 'The Clown Prince of Pep' COMING ATTRACTIONS EVERYBODY KNOWS -- EVERYBODY GOES -- TO WEST COAST SHOWS
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Mar. 30, 31, Apr. 1,2 HER CLEVEREST COMEDY-ROMANCE! TELEPHONE TALE IS COLLEEN'S GAYEST Love laughs at locksmiths -- it also smiles at such barriers as poverty, position, and, in fact, all obstacles. Thus, a humble little switchboard operator in a big hotel may attract the attention of a wealthy and handsome young man and -- if she be as good as she is charming -- ultimately win his love and a wedding ring. That is the story, in a nutshell, of "Orchids and Ermine," in which Colleen Moore stars for First National. It is romance with a capital "R." It is love in springtime, with the lilt of laughter and the pathos of heart pangs that at last are healed. In all her brilliant career, Colleen Moore has never done finer or more sincere acting that in this picture with it arresting portrait of life in a great hotel where wealth and luxury mingle with hopes and fears and laughter and love in one grand melange of romance. A powerful supporting cast, magnificent sets, skilled direction and careful supervision have gone into the creatio of "Orchids and Ermine." ON THE STAGE COMING ATTRACTIONS THE ULTIMATE IN STAGE AND SCREEN ENTERTAINMENT!
THE THEATRE WITH DISTINCTION West Coast Boulevard News Weekly Issued Every Friday by Direction Executive Staff
Theatre Staff
Musical Staff
Technical Staff
INFORMATION Ladies' Parlors: Main floor to the left on entering. Mezzanine
floor to the left on entering, first stairway. LEST YOU FORGET Our Check Room is free if you care to check your wraps
or parcels. SCALE OF PRICES: Our Phone Number is BEacon 7966. Every Tuesday MATINEE A Positive Novelty! STARTLING! Coming Sunday, April 3rd ALWAYS -- THE GREATEST SHOW IN TOWN -- ALWAYS More Information on the Boulevard Theatre... The Boulevard Theatre at CinemaTreasures.com Last Modified March 13, 2013 |