Boulevard Theatre, Los Angeles, California - November 21, 1926
1926 No. 58
COMFORT - COURTESY - CONVIENCE - IT'S YOUR THEATRE. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, November 21-22-23 CONNIE'S MOST LILTING STORY OF LOVE AND LAUGHTER! Constance Talmadge THE DUCHESS IS HERE! Darkest Russia got brighter than a Florida real-estate booklet when C onnie put on her dance -- Siberian wolves howled with delight -- the Russian eagle screamed for lilac water -- real sables came running in hoping to be fur coats -- Russian barbers broke down in the shaving epidemic -- Russian anarchists stopped buying gun-powder and spent their dough for sachet powder -- a gang of princes studied how to say "I'm losing my nut over you" in English -- But the prince she fell for was a print of good fellows -- and if she wasn't a real grand duchess -- she was a real, grand girl -- Russia went nutty about her -- you will too! A splendid supporting cast is seen with Miss Talmadge. Tullio Carminati is Connie's new leading man, and Rose Dione, Edward Martindel, Chester Conklin and lawrence Grant play other important roles. Who is she? Is she an opera star? Is she a society maiden? Is she a motion picture Queen? Much mystery surrounds the stage presentation whi is to be seen during the run of "The Duchess of Buffalo". Fanchon amd Marco and sending the Mysterious Masked Countess as the headline attraction. This beautiful young woman is really a member of Royalty. She is always masked and no one knows her real identity. She has sung of the nobility of Eurpoe and her voice is of rare quality. Barbarina and Pal, Scotty Weston, Fritz De Bruin and the Four Wonderful Harpists are also a part of the "Idea." A unique stage setting with a surprise finale makes this presentation one that will linger long in your memory. ON THE STAGE A Fanchon and Marco "Idea" COMING ATTRACTIONS THE ULTIMATE IN STAGE AND SCREEN ENTERTAINMENT!
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 24-25-26-27 Screen's Speediest Star Scores A Touchdown! A PARAMOUNT PICTURE The trickiest, funniest, fastest football ever played. That's what you'll see in Paramount's latest Richard Dix comedy, "The Quarterback." Richard and his pal, David Butler, are working their way though Colton by means of a milk delivery route. To speed matters up, they utilize their football knowledge and send their bottles whizzing through the air. Then -- when they acctually get in the game -- action starts and never stops till the final whistle blows. "The Quarterback" opens with an 1899 prologue. The star quarterback of Colton College, Harry Beresford, has proposed to Mona Palma. She accepts with the provisio that he remain at school until until Colton beats her ancient rival, State. Some twenty-seven years later, he is still"One of the boys," Mona has died and his son now plays dad's position. Richard is infaturated with Esther Ralston, a State co-ed. Their romance flourishes until the day of the big game. Then -- come a series of startling surprises. Things start to go wrong and -- well, why try to describe it? See "The Quarterback". Richard Dix has never had a better vehicle. Richard Dix in "The Quarterback" A Paramount Picture ON THE STAGE GENE MORAGN -- Featured with -- COMING ATTRACTIONS EDDIE CANTOR in EVERYBODY KNOWS -- EVERYBODY GOES -- TO WEST COAST SHOWS
THE THEATRE WITH DISTINCTION West Coast Boulevard News Weekly Issued Every Friday by Direction Executive Staff
Theatre Staff
Musical Staff
Technical Staff
INFORMATION Ladies' Parlors: Main floor to the left on entering.
Mezzanine floor to the left on entering, first stairway. LEST YOU FORGET Our check Room is free if you care to check your wraps
or parcels. SCALE OF PRICES: Our Phone Number is BEacon 7966. Every Tuesday and Thursday MATINEE Gene Sez- Listen Folks: The boys are all learning the new "Black Bottom" dance. Funny? say you should see Shorty, the drummer doing "Black Botton! Just as soon as I teach the gant to do this crazy dance we'll let them put it on for you. So far Eddie Parks is leading the gang. He has almost every step down perfect. Stanley Green, the other trumpet player, has been walking around all week with a coat hanger in his hand. After watching him carry the darn thing around, I finally asked him what the idea was. He told me he was going to court and expected wo win a suit. "Ignorance is bliss." That wonderful Fanchon and marco Pyramid "Idea" that caused so much talk at Loew's State Theatre is soon to be seen on the Boulevard stage. That "Idea" is by far the most pretentious yet produced by the West Coast Theatres and we feel very fortunate that the Bouldvard is going to present it. I'll bet you folks wonder how the boys amuse themselves between shows. Well, here the secret. They play CHECKERS! Can you picture a peppy bunch of fellows setting around pondering over a checker game? They claim that it rests their minds and soothes their nerves, but you and I know that there must be some other reason. I'm going to find out and let you know. Well, do your Christmas shopping early! So long, Every Tuesday and Thursday MATINEE WHO IS SHE? WHAT IS SHE? Photos from THE DUCHESS OF BUFFALO (1926) More Information on the Boulevard Theatre... The Boulevard Theatre at CinemaTreasures.com Last Modified February 11, 2013 |