State Theatre, Los Angeles, California, USA - December 29, 1923

Los Angeles State Theatre program for the week of December 29, 1923

Happy New Year!

The News of the Motion Picture World

Vol. 2, No. 1          Saturday, December 29th, 1923


Acting of Barney Bernard and Alexander Carr Throws Cast Into Convulsions

Abe and Mawruss, on the screen at last, "y'understand." The famous partners open their cloak and suit establishment at Loew's State Theater next Saturday.

During the filming of "Potash and Perlmutter," a First National picturization of Montague Glass' famous play, directed by Clarence Badger, which is coming to Loew's State Theater next Saturday, work had to be suspended on many occasions because the members of the supporting cast could not conrol their sense of humor while watching the leading players perform before the camera. This necessitated many "retakes".

Production started. Director Badger would explain the action of the scene to be "shot" and there would be a preliminary rehearsal. Then he would shout "Action ! Camera!" A moment later he would jump up, throw the script on the floor, tear his hair and mutter a few unprintable remarks. For Bernard and Carr were so funny that the other players would burst into laughter in sequences where they were supposed to look serious. Another scene had been ruined.

This kept up for a week, and Badger was desperate. It was only after he had threatened to sidcharge the entire cast that he was able to proceed with the filming. But even then he was nervous every minute that the stars were before the camera.

The supporting case of "Potash and Perlmutter" includes De Sacia Mooers, Jerry Devine, Lee Donnelly, Lee Kohlmar, Hope Sutherland, Martha Mansfield and Ben Lyon.

Miss Atherton Witnesses Gland Operation in San Quentin Prison

San Francisco. -- Gertrude Atherton, author of 'Black Oxen," best selling novel of 1923, and from which Frank Lloyd has made a film play featuring Corinne Griffith and Conway Tearle, witnessed several glandular treatments at San Quentin Prison today as the guest of Dr. L. J. Stanley, noted prison surgeon.

The woman who wrote the celebrated story dealing with the rejuvenation of Countess Zatiany and the glandular treatment which made the woman of 60 appear like a girl of 28, was astonished when she saw convicts who had undergone the glandular operation arise from the operating table and walk back to their cells apparently normal and refreshed by the surgeon's skillful treatment.

In company with Dr. Rodney A. Yoell, noted San Francisco surgeon, Dr. Stanley and his assistants, Mrs. Atherton later visited with convicts who had been rejuvenated by goat glands. One convice to who Mrs. Atherton talked stated the he had suffered from tuberculosis, and that since the glands of a ram had been transplanted into his body by Dr. Stanley, he had not only improved physically but mentally as well.

The Los Angeles premier of "Black Oxen" will occur at Loew's State Theater in the near future.

Mawruss -- "The designer turned out to be a lady -- and, by golly, Abie, she's a peaches with cream."

Abe -- "No, my Rosie would never stand for a lady designer."

Mawruss -- "Your Rosie! Is your Rosie running this place?"

Abe -- "No; but my Rosie is running me."


Abe -- "Did you explain to Miss Goldman that the designer who associates herself with us will be recognized all over the civilized world as a first-class, a number one high-grade designer?"

Mawruss - "Abe! Who told you to make speeches? Are you nominated for something?"


Ruth -- "I don't think the position wil suit me."

Abe -- "Is that so? Well, remember this! There are just as good fish in the sea as ever jumped it off the hook."


Los Angeles State Theatre program for the week of December 29, 1923

Vol. 2,     Dec. 29, 1923,     No.1

Published Every Wee for Patrons of Loew's state Theater and patrons of all theaters -- items of interest about forthcoming pictures. Take one home with you!

The Passing Show

It is the habit at the end of every passing year for critical writers to select the ten best pictures with a view of handing the Medal of Honor to that production which, in their estimation, has proven a distinct advance in motion picture art and entertainment during the past season

As a rule, few agree upon the picture to head the list. In the majority of cases the production selected has been one shown in legitimate theaters at roadshow prices. The question naturally arises, if the motion picture public at large consideres the $1.50 ovie as a regular bill-of-fare, or whether it centers its attentionupon the regular weekly presentations of, say, such a theater as Loews State in Los Angeles, or the Warfield Theater in San Francisco, where the cream of First National and Metro pictures are shown from week to week. If we were to select a list of the ten best pictures shown in Loew's State during the past year that list would come dangerously close to the list of the ten best pictures selected by the critics nationally, excepting, of cource, "Robin Hood", or "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," or "The Covered Wagon," which on account of their tremendous production expense, necessitated the showing at $1.50 top prices.

However, patrons of Loew's State Theater will agree that if they will look back over their shadow entertainments and select therefrom a dozen or so of the best pictures, those productions, to be sure, will have been presented at this theater.

1924 promises an equal proportion of good things. The high lights of motion picture production are book for Loew's State in Los Angeles and the Warfield in San Francisco. And with the end of the new season  our patrons, we are sure, will find that the ten best pictures they have seen will have been presented in this theater.


MILTON SILLS is to play "The Sea Hawk," Frank Lloyd picking him from more than thirty famous screen players for the title role of this forthcoming First National picture.

George Walsh will play "Ben Hur" for Goldwyn, Kathleen Key and Gertrude Olmsted will play the two leading feminine roles. The picture will be made abroad under Charles J. Brabin's direction.

Elinor Glyn says that "Three Weeks" is coming to the screen exactly as she wrote it. Critics can't complain now.

Pola Negri's next picture will be entitled "Men."

Slim Sumerville is directing and appearing in a series of one-reel comedies for Universal.

Laurette Taylor has complete most of the early scenes of "Happiness," her second starring picture for Metro.

Maurice Tourneur is visiting New York, having completed "Torment," his newest M. C. Levee picture for First National.

Richard Barthelmess is completing "The Enchanted Cottage," under John S. Robertson's direction, for First National.

Richard Walton Tully will begin the filming of his famous "Bird of Paradise" for First National Pictures, Inc., after the first of the year.

Have the "Newsette" Mailed to You Weekly

If you will lave your name and address with the girl in the ticket office we will be glad to mail you a copy of the"Warfield Newsette" each week. You mail you a copy of "Loew's State Newsette" each week. you will find the "Newsette" interest-movies; it will give you information of the pictures to come and the gossip of the studios in New York and Hollywood.

No.3     Adolph Ramish

Adolph Ramish, Treasurer of West Coast Theaters, Inc.

Adolph Ramish, treasurer of West Coast Theaters, Inc., is a Los Angeles pioneer. He has been associated with the growth of this city since the early days when William J. Brodrick ran a one-mule carline down Main street, and when the Plaza was still at the center of town. Born in Grass Valley, California, Adolph Ramish was the first Grand Officer of the Native Sons of the Golden West. He was one of the first Elks in Los Angeles, and he remembers this glorious city in its swaddling clothes. In 1906 he built the Belasco Theater, organizing the first stock company in Los Angeles and the finest in California. Among the actors and actresses, Lew Stone, Lillian Albertson, Amelia Gardner, Dick Vivian, Tom Oberle, Hobart Bosworth and Harry Mestayer are today the most prominent. Victor Schertzinger was conductor, and the lat John Blackwood the manager. In 1911 Adolph Ramish built the Hippodrome Theater, utilizing a huge floor space for the seating capacity, and later adding a balcony to this popular vaudeville house. When the Gore Brothers and Sol Lesser theatrical interest were organized as West Coast theaters, Inc., through Adolph Ramish he became treasurer of the circuit. One of the real pioneers of the show game, Mr. Ramish's remiscences may some day be compiled into one of the most fascinating books of the theatrical world. 

Los Angeles State Theatre program for the week of December 29, 1923


Unit One
ARTHUR KAY, Conducting

(a) Introduction to 3rd Act of "Lohengrin" ..... Wagner
(b) Special Arrangements for Strings, "Mighty Lak' A Rose" ..... Nevin

Unit Two
Synchronized by Arthur Kay

Unit Three
Loew's State presents

Unit Four
Associated First National Pictures, Inc., Presents
from the novel by "Warner Fabian"
Directed by John Francis Dillon
Scenario by Harry O. Hoyt


Cary Scott Milton Sills
Doctor Bobs Elliott Dexter
Dee Fentriss Sylvia Breamer
Mona Fentriss Myrtle Stedman
Connie Fetriss Betty Francisco
Ralph Fentriss Phillips Smalley
Jamisson James Walter McGrail
Monty Standish Ben Lyon
Fred Browning George Barraud
Warren Graves John Patrick
Leo Stenak Gene Carrado
Annie Gertrude Astor
Sidney Rathbone Michael Dark


Barney Bernard and Vera Gordon as Mr. and Mrs. Abe Potash in "Potash and Perlmutter" at Loew's State Theater Next Saturday

Once upon a time (this isn't a fairy story, although it ends like one), there was a man who thought he was able to write humorous stories. He had never attempted it before, eing a professional man with many duties to perform, but he had such faith in his ability to transcribe real life into fiction that he sat down and wrote a dozen.

He sent them to the editor of a prominent magazine. They were returned "with regrets." The author was puzzled. He knew the stories were good. Magazine after magazine rejected them. Discourages, he was about to throw them into the waste basket when an idea occurred to him. Through modesty he had not submitted them to the larges periodical in the United States -- the Saturday Evening Post. So the mails carried the manuscripts to Philadelphia. Almost by return mail can an acceptance and a request for more.

The rest is history. One hujdred and seventy-five of the stories have appeared in the Post since then. For eyars the famous partners, portrayed by Alexander Carr and Barney Bernard, have appeared on the stage, delighting millions. And in book form the stories have been responsible for editions running into hundreds of thousands.

This modest author was Montague Glass, and he has assisted in preparing the screen version of "Potash and Perlmutter,' which was directed by Clarence Badger, and is coming to Loew's State Theater next Saturday. Carr and Bernard play their original roles in it, with Vera Gordon as co-star.

Los Angeles State Theatre program for the week of December 29, 1923

Mawruss Perlmutter Says:

"Seven dollars and twenty cents for a dinner? What does our salesman eat -- gold fish?"

"Abe, I give you my word. A partner like you is around a man's neck a tombstone!"

"Another new dress for Irma? Who are you -- Mr. Vanderbilt? And so particular she takes it. Seven fittings for every dress."

"You're my friend, Abie, and I love you like my own brother. I can roast you -- that's a partner's privilege -- but I wouldn't allow anybody else to do it."


Made especially for her own personal use --
For Sale at All Owl Drug Stores

PERFUME -- 1 oz. original bottle ... $1.75
TOILET WATER -- 4 oz. original bottle ..... $1.75



Confirmation was made this week that Barbara La Mar is to be a First National Star. A contract was signed whereby Miss La Mar will be presented in a series of pictures by Sawyer-Lubin, to be produced by Associated Pictures Corporation, under the supervision of Arthur H. Sawyer.

Barbara La Mar has earned her right to stardom after a meteoric career during which she has risen to be one of the foremost leading women now on the screen. She has appeared recently in "The Eternal City," "Quincy Adams Sawyer," "Strangers of the Night" and "Trifling Women." At present she is appearing in "The Shooting of Dan McGrew."

It has been definitely decided, according to Associate Pictures Corporation, that Clarence Badger will direct Miss La Mar in her first production for First National release.

She will soon appear in "The Eternal City" at Loew's State Theater.

Barbara Tennant With Baby Peggy

Barbara Tennant has been added to the case of "Captain January," Baby Peggy's first feature production for Principal Pictures Corporation.

Miss Tennant will be remembered for her fine performance as the mother of Jackie Coogan in "Circus Days," also made by Principal Pictures. Her role in "Captain January" is that of Lucy tripp, who befriends the little captain, played by Baby Peggy, and endeavors to protect her from the well-meaning but unimaginative townspeople who set out to take her away from her daddy-captain, played by Hobart Bosworth.

Abe Potash Says:

"Don't bet. Gambling is one thing -- business another."

"Mawruss, in you the milk of kindness has turned into acid. No wonder you've got rheumatism."

"Sternberger is the only man who wont have trouble with his workingmen again. Last week he had nearly twenty carriages at his funeral."

"If every man had such a good wife as my Rosie the divorce judges would to out of business."

THEATER - Hill Bet. 7 & 8 

Now Playing
Eugene O'Neill's Drama

THEATER -- Grand at 7th

See it before it's too late! 

"The Hunchback of Notre Dame"
Never a Show Like This!
75 Stars and 500 Others

Herald for Flaming Youth (1923)

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Last Modified June 12, 2022