The Love Mart (1927)These stills are in order by still number. This could be the correct order for story continuity, or just the order in which they were photographed. The Love Mart is a lost film, so I don't know what order the pictures appeared in the film.
103-39 Geno Corrado, Armand Kaliz, Billie Dove, Gilbert Roland and Paul Vincenti in "Louisiana" [The Love Mart] A First National Picture.
103-40 Starting third from left: Gino Corrado, Gilbert Roland, Armand Kaliz, Billie Dove and Paul Vincenti.
103-45 Gilbert Roland and Billie Dove
103-47 Gilbert Roland, Billie Dove and Armand Kaliz
103-53 Billie Dove, Noah Beery and Emile Chautard
103-54 Caption: Billie Dove, Emile Chautard and Noah Beery (right) in "Louisiana". A First National Production.
103-60 Gilbert Roland, Billie Dove and Armand Kaliz
103-76 Noah Beery, Billie Dove and unknown
103-83 Noah Beery, Billie Dove and Emile Chautard
103-84 Noah Beery, Emile Chautard and Billie Dove
103-85 Louisiana -- The bailiff prepares to take away Remy's "property". (left to right) Noah Beery, Emile Chautard, Billie Dove.
103-86 Noah Beery, Emile Chautard and Billie Dove
103-87 Noah Beery and Billie Dove
103-93 Noah Beery, Billie Dove and Emile Chautard
103-94 Noah Beery, Emile Chautard and Billie Dove
103-95 Noah Beery, Billie Dove and Emile Chautard
103-112 Billie Dove and Emile Chautard
103-113 Billie Dove, Emile Chautard and Gilbert Roland
103-115 Caption: Billie Dove and Noah Beery in "The Love Mart," which is at the Michigan, Dec. 31st
103-119 Gilbert Roland and Billie Dove
103-131 Billie Dove and Gilbert Roland
103-142 Billie Dove and Gilbert Roland, the romantic combination in George Fitzmaurice's latest First National production, "Louisana" (sic) (1927) at the Loews State, December 2nd.
103-151 Noah Beery (with guitar) and Gilbert Roland (barber)
103-152 Noah Beery (with guitar), Gilbert Roland, and Billie Dove
103-153 Armand Kaliz (with cane and hat), Noah Beery (lathered up), Billie Dove, and Gilbert Roland
103-154 Gilbert Roland, Noah Beery and Billie Dove
103-157 Billie Dove and Armand Kaliz (right)
103-159 Billie Dove and Gilbert Roland
103-160 Billie Dove and Armand Kaliz (left).
103-163 Billie Dove and Emile Chautard (left center)
103-166 Billie Dove
103-184 Noah Beery and Billie Dove
BILLIE DOVE as a beauty of old New Orleans in the First National special, "The Love Mart," a George Fitzmaurice production formerly called "Louisiana." FIRST NATIONAL PICTURES, INC. 383 Madison Ave., New York City.
B-930 Billie Dove in a costume photo
Gilbert Roland and Raymond Turner in "Louisiana"
"Billie Dove -- more beautiful than ever -- as the slave sold on the auction block -- then given the freedom she did not want. The most colorful and romantic period of Old Louisiana --with its slave runners, buccaneers and Creole dandies, brought to the screen with all the inspiring genius of George Fitzmaurice. Don't miss it!"
Billie Dove in The Love Mart Hollywood Theatre The Hollywood Theatre in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at CinemaTreasures.org. RAYMOND TURNER IN "THE LOVE MART" HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Dec., (PC NB.) -- Raymond Turner, the screen comedian seen in "The Patent Leather Kid" has attracted the eyes of the critics by his comedy work in First National's "The Love Mart", the new title chosen for "Louisiana", directed by Geo. Fitzmaurice and in which is featured Billie Dove, Gilbert Roland and Noah Beery One expert writes "Raymond Turner, 'the dark spot' in the picture, is nevertheless the lightest spot in the picture. His natural comedy is refreshing and despite the fact that the story is designed to make him a character of no importance, this young player stands out prominently and his work has been well received by Lowe State audiences." Another states, "Armand kaliz, Emile Chautard, Boris karloff and Raymond Turner acquit themselves creditably, harry Burns, editor of 'Filmograph', gives Raymond credit; while only one critic, Marquis Rusby of the Los Angeles 'Times' feels that the comedy of Raymond Turner, a slave, is overdone and out of place. In the story, Billie Dove as Antoinette Frobella plays the part of a daughter of the aristocracy, who is accused of having colored blood. Since she cannot prove otherwise she is sold in the public mart as a slave. The scenes of the slave mart in which quite a number of local colored actors are used are colorful in the extreme and form the greatest dramatic moments of the play. -- The Afro-American, December 17, 1927 ROMANCE OF OLD SOUTH AT STRAND "THE LOVE MART" IS STIRRING PICTURE GOING BACK
TO SLAVE DAYS. Billie Dove and Gilbert Roland Have Stallar Roles in This Picture "How much am I offered for this beautiful girl'" Like a thunderbolt the words rang in her ears, as she heard the auctioneer call again and again to the crowd, among who were men who just a few days ago were bidding for her favor. This is the greatest dramatic moment in "The Love Mart," George FitzMaurice's stirring romantic photoplay which opens at the Strand Sunday for a four days showing. That lovely star, Billie Dove, is featured and the leading man is that fiery young Latin player, Gilbert Roland. The setting for this photoplay is old New Orleans, back nearly a century ago when the picturesque old city was at the height of its power, when romance walked the streets, hand in hand with intrigue and guild. The picture tells the story of the love of a young adventurer for a beautiful girl, Antoinette. it tells how schemers plan to ruin Antoinette's father, and then, when their purpose is accomplished, they brand her as an octoroon and order her to be sold at auction! Antoinette, just a few days before, was one of the most sought after of the city's belles. her friends desert her--all save one. He pawns his jewelry, sells everything he owns to buy her. And then he gives her freedom. Thrilling and wonderful is the story of high romance and adventure. And equally fascinating is the climax when the true identity of Antoinette si revealed. For all who love romance, for everyone who glories in the triumph of young love and supreme courage, "The Love Mart" will be a picture of unusual interest. Its setting are quaint and beautiful, and the director, Mr. FitzMaurice, has given an almost flawless exhibition of screen staging. The cast includes also Noah Beery, one of the screen's best villains. Emile Chautard has a good role as has also Armand Kaliz. -- The Telegraph-Herald and Times Journal, October 28, 1928 with Billie Dove, Gilbert Roland, Noah Beery. Directed by George Fitzmaurice. First National. More Information on this film... Books (none) Last Modified April 6, 2020 |