New Plaza Theatre, Milford, Delaware - March 25, 1929
NEW PLAZA Theatre Mon., Tues., and Wed., March 25th, 26th and 27th A Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Picture
"A WOMAN OF AFFAIRS" Wild desire -- burning lips -- pounding pulses -- racing hearts -- Garbo and Gilbert of course! What a story! What a cast! Here's the picture the whole world's shouting about! The greatest triumph of the screen's greatest lovers! Two Shows Each Night at 7 and 9 P. M. -- Prices 30c 40c and 50c
E. C. EVANS, Manager
Phone 14 Mon., Tues. and Wed., March 25th, 26th and 27th A Woman of Affairs
-- with -- Flaming romance, burning its way thru the hearts of those glorious lovers -- Garbo and Gilbert. A passionate love symphony. Wild desire! Burning lips! Pounding pulses! Racing hearts! What a story! What a picture! The greatest triumph of the screen's greatest lovers. COMEDY -- "LOVE IN A POLICE STATION" LASTEST NEWSREEL Two Shows Each Night at 7 and 9 P.M. -- Prices 30c, 40c and 50c
Next Week Thursday, March 28th
NAPOLEON A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Picture with a Special Cast The world's greatest story made into a screen epic spectacular! Dramatic! Astounding! Never its like in pictures! Perhaps never again! Years in the making! Thousands of actors! Vast battle scenes! Tender moments of passion! Unbelievable fascinating! COMEDY -- "IS EVERYBODY HAPPY" LATEST NEWSREEL Two Shows at 7 and 9 P.M. -- Prices 20c, 30c and 40c
Friday and Saturday, March 29th and 30th
On the Stage -- VAUDEVILLE On the Screen:
CLARA BOW Hello! Hello! Clara's here! For "Three Week Ends." Excitement! Gay parties! The screen's greatest personality shaking hearts that never shook before! Tingling nerves that give that funny feeling! The "It" girl's big laugh and love drama! COMEDY -- "UP IN ARMS" LATEST NEWSREEL
Two Shows Fri. at 7 and 9 P.M. -- Three Shows Saturday at 2:30, 7 and 9 More Information on the New Plaza Theatre... The New Plaza Theatre at CinemaTreasures.org Last Modified March 2, 2024 |