Regent Theatre, Newark, New Jersey - March 15, 1925
The Refrigerated 'For the Love of Mike'
EXCELLENT COMEDY DRAMA DUE NEXT WEEK HERE'S a picture to laugh and cry over -- a picture that will go straight to your heart. It's "For the Love of Mike," the new First National attraction which opens on Sat. September 10, at the Branford. Robert Kane, who produced this new comedy-drama, gathered an all star cast. Included in the acting aggregation are Ben Lyon, George Sidney, Ford Sterling, Claudette Colbert, Hugh Cameron, Richard Skeets Gallagher, Rudolph Cameron and Mabel Swor. The story is about a foundling who is discovered by three men living in the notorious Hell's Kitchen district of New York. The men are in Irishman, and German and a Jew. All claim the little youngster but compromist at last by agreeing to bring him up cooperatively, so to speak. As the boy grows up and becomes captain of the Yale crew, the interest of the story increases. The crew race is authentically that between Yale and Harvard and is unusually exciting. Ben Lyon plays the boy and Sidney, sterling and Hugh Cameron are seen in excellent characterizations as the "fathers". Both Claudette Colbert, who is seen as Ben's childhood sweetheart, and Mabel Swor, who portrays the Fifth avanue blonde who strives to make Ben forget his old pals of Hell's Kitchen and join her ritzy set, give a splendid performance. FORD STERLING, the screen's first comic and still going strong, has a corking role in "FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE," the comedy coming to the screen of the Branford on Saturday, September 10. You'll laugh until you'll ache! And then you'll laugh some more! PARTIES ARE QUITE THE R-R-R-RAGE Those benefits we have often told you about at the Brandord are rages! Yes, indeed! There has been a heavy demand for dates. Lodges, sororities, fraternities, clubs, socities and other organizations have asked for reservations But, of course, first come, first served. The following groups have made arrangements: Alphs Kappa Tau Sorority, Friday evening September 16. Delta Phi Sigma Fraternity, Beta Chapter, Friday evening September 23 Sorores Girls, Friday evening October 7th Shenandoah Memorial Club, Friday evening October 7th Electa Chapter No. 68, E. O. S. on Monday and Tuesday evenings, Oct. 24 and 25, Zeta Phi Sorority, Friday evening, October 28th. Why don't you and your group give a party? See the Managing Director Sweet Mama! CLAUDETTE COLBERT was captured from the stage to appear in "For the Love of Mike" the First National Picture, coming to the BRANFORD week commencing SATURDAY, Sept. 10th. BRANFORD BREVITIES
The REFRIGERATED Starting Saturday, September 3rd, 1927
A Stanley-Fabian Theater (Program Subject to Change) 1. --- Branford Current Events World Happenings Assembled Fro the Leading News Weeklies, with Syncronized Musical Score. 2. --- Jim Thomas One of America's Leading Organ Soloists, presents His Latest Original Musical Song Fest, "A TRIP ACROSS THE SEA". Presented At Approximately 4.15 -- 7.05 -- 9:25 P. M.
3. --- On the Stage
4. --
5. -- CHARLIE MELSON COMES FROM -- SH-S-S-SH! SO much has been said of Charlie Melson, "The California Playboy" and his beloved Golden state that we are going to let you in on a little secret. Charlie calls California his home, but New York state claims his nativity. When only a youngster, Charlie's parents moved to Colorado. Family reverses forced him into the Tabor Theatre, Denver, as candy boy... Program boy, usher, chief usher followed in rapid succesion. Then came a chance to go on the stage. Charlie's first characterization was as bellboy in the road company of "Alias Jimmy Valentine." Several seasons in road and stock companies followed. From stock Melson entered vaudeville. He toured the country and then came a chance at Sid Grauman's Million Dollar Theatre, where Charlie was employed to sing and do comedy characterizations. From that time on it was one constant jamboree after another as managers fought for his services. Now it can be seen and appreciated why Charlie is known as "The California Playboy." It was not only due to the moation picture stars who gave him the ame but because he reflects the lustrous humor and sunshine of the famous state. Charlie is now working on the new Merry Mad Gang presentation, "Rubeville" which opens Saturday, September 10 at the Branford. CHARLIE MELSON has some new pictures taken and the editor of the BREVITIES could not resist the temptation to include one of the photos in this issue. Charlie is irresistable in this shot, eh girls? We are glad to announce some splendid new Melson gags in "RUBEVILLE", the next stage show. FUN MAKER! GEORGE SIDNEY has one of his characteristic lovable but humorous roles in "For the Love of Mike", the rollicking comedy coming next week to the screen of the BRANFORD. "RUBEVILLE" IS ALL SET FOR STAGING Managing Director Harry W. Crull is all set with his next Merry ad Gang Presentation "Rubeville" which will be staged for the week commencing Saturday, September 10. Charlie Melson is hard at work on new laugh wrinkles which will cause every face to crack in smiles. The case thus far gathered includes the Rubeville Quartette, Grant and Adair, old-fashioned tintypes; Tex Morrissey and her He-Haw Mule; Edith Snyder, and of course Les Stevens. There is going to be some great doings. By the way -- shs-sh-- Mr. Crull is having the background done by his artists in futuristic style. It sure will be great.
DORIS KENYON Doris Kenyon, charming and talented featured player in First National Pictures, is to return to the screen after an illness that has kept her from work for many months. She will play opposite Milton Sills in his forthcoming production, "The Valley of the Giants," according to announcement by First National Studios. This combination should prove particularly effective in this virile story of the west by Peter B. Kyne. "The Valley of the Giants" will go into production within the coming week. It is to be produced for First National Pictures by Wid Gunning and will be directed by Charles Brabin. The same combination of director-producer-star was responsible for Sills' latest First National production, "Hard-Boiled Haggerty" which is soon to be released, and which has been acclaimed by critics, who have seen previews, as Sills' best vehicle in years. Miss Kenyon is looking forward eagerly to resume work before the camera, and her return to the screen will be welcomed by her many admirers throughout the world. ---o--- Joesphine Dunn, young featured player, has just been case for an important part in support of Bebe Daniels in that star's latest Paramount comedy, "She's a Sheik."
Coming Soon To The
STAR DOINGS John Waters, who directed Paramount's great desert drama "Beau Sabrour," (sic) will have for his next the first of the comedies featuring the new team of W. C. Fields and Chester Conklin. He was chosen because of the humorous touches he injected into the heavier pictures. ---o--- Harry Perry, who did the sky scenes in "Wings", has been selected to film the aviation comedy, "Now We're in the Air", with Wallace Beery and Raymond Hatton. With a movie camera one good turn deserves another. ---o--- Clara Bow, the Flapper star has started a new bobbed hair style, the "Medusa", in which the locks wave wildly in the breezes. She will display it in her new picture, "Red Hair" by Elinor Glyn, now being filmed. ---o--- William Austin, who played an important comedy role in Bebe Daniel's "Swim Girl, Swim," will have a featured role in Florence Vidor's "Honeymoon Hate." ---o--- Adolphe Menjou wants to be a director. Not for a long time, because he would rather act. But when he finishes his last role before the camer he has plans to get behine the lens and tell the other actors how to do it.
The Refrigerated
The $100,000 CARRIER COOLING SYSTEM 70 Degrees Never Warmer 70 Degrees
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