Grand Theatre, Newcomerstown, Ohio - July 2, 1917
The GRAND THEATRE MONDAY EVENING, JULY 2nd (1917) Jesse L. Lasky presents “THE CHORUS LADY”, with a notable all-star cast. Astory of a girl’s life behind the footlights. TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 3rd The problem of the ages confronts the poor mother in “ONE TOUCH OF SIN” – The tense photoplay in which William Fox presents Gladys Brockwell—The woman of a thousand expressions. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 4th Triangle presents “THE WAIFS” featuring Jane
Gray with William Desmond and Truly Shattuck. One of the
most unusual stories ever told in motion pictures. THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 5th Famous Players presents Mary Pickford in "MADAME BUTTERFLY;" one of the most beautiful productions yet offered by the Famous Players. FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 6th Paramount presents Blanche Sweet in “THE SECRET SIN:” – A bitter pronouncementagainst the drug evil and the opium den. A marvelous Lasky production in which Miss Sweet appears as “Sisters.” SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 7th Metro presents the screen favorites Harold Lockwood
and May Allison in “THE RIVER OF ROMANCE;” – A Metro Wonderplay in 5
sparkling acts of bewitching beautiy and supreme heart interest. Photos from MADAME BUTTERFLY (1915) More Information on the Grand Theatre... The Grand Theatre at CinemaTreasures.com Last Modified Sptember 3, 2015. |