The Price of Fear (1928)

Lobby card of Bill Cody and Duane Thompson in THE PRICE OF FEAR (1928)

Universal Pictures
Universal Thrill Feature

The Price of Fear

by William Lester

Directed by Leigh Jason

Brief Reviews of Current Pictures

PRICE OF FEAR, THE - Universal - Something to avoid. (Dec.)

-- April 1929, page 147

"U" Contract for Duane Thompson

Duane Thompson has been signed to a long term contract by Universal. Miss Thompson has just completed in "The Price of Fear," made under Leigh Jason's direction. Under the terms of the contract, she is to play opposite Cody in four more underworld dramas.

-- Film Daily, June 12, 1928

PRICE OF FEAR,  THE. Produced and distributed by Universal Pictures Corp. Stars Bill Cody, with Duane Thompson. Director, Leigh Jason. Scenarist, William Lester. Cameraman Charles Stumar. Released October 28, 1928. Length 4,230 feet.

Melodrama: Amateur detective trails gang of killers. He rescues dog in girl's aby carriage, believing carriage contains baby, falls in love with girl and brings about gang's capture.

-- Motion Picture News, March 15, 1930

What the Picture Did for Me

THE PRICE OF FEAR: Special cast - June 17. The average Universal thrill feature offering which pleased the kids and made the grownups wonder why they came to see it. Five reels - Parkdale Theatre, Lyons, Ia. - General patronage.

-- Exhibitor's Herald-World, July 20, 1929, page 102.

What the Picture Did for Me

PRICE OF FEAR: Bill Cody - December 16. Double-billed this with Metro's "Napoleon," and both of them together didn't make a good program. Suffered a number of walk-outs on both features and took a lot of razzing. This is better than the last five-reel thriller we had, but is certainly not a good Sunday offering under any conditions. Small picture of the underworld variety. Good print and mostly fair photography. Wolfe & Williams, Screenland theatre, Nevada, O. - Small town patronage.

-- Exhibitor's Herald-World, January 5, 1929, page 62

with Bill Cody and Duane Thompson. Directed by Leigh Jason. Universal.

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Public Domain Mark
This work (The Price of Fear (1928), by Universal), identified by Bruce Calvert, is free of known copyright restrictions.



Last Modified June 4, 2016