Sessue Hawakawa
Produced by Hayworth Every Hayakawa Superior Picture its own salesman. Screen them as they are released and you will book them without further discussion.
Robertson-Cole Superior Picture THE DRAGON PAINTER (1919) WITHOUT a single exception every reviewer who saw "The Dragon Painter" said it was close to perfection in artistic detail and production. Some said it was perfection itself. At least one critic said it was the best motion picture play she had ever seen. If you are selecting pictures with a view to pleasing a discriminating audience and not merely filling in open dates, if you want a picture that will give reputation to your house and dollars to your box office, screen this one and you will book it.
The work of Sessue Hawakawa has carried him into the popular favor of audiences in approximately five thousand theatres in the United States. They have clamored to see him in something typifying the Oriental in the Occidental World. As the Prince in this great novel by E. Phillips Oppenheim he is part of a wonderful production of intrigue, mystery, romance and dramatic tension. Hayakawa is the one man to perfectly fit this part and his characterization of it makes the play one of extraordinary merit and of special appeal to Hayakawa followers. Again a Hayakawa Masterpiece THE ILLUSTRIOUS PRINCE by E. Phillips Oppenheim
PICKED PICTURES vs. BLIND BOOKINGS A THEATRE run by an exhibitor who carefully selects his pictures is a sound commercial proposition, but a house operated by a man who merely fills his open dates is a gamble. If you were offered the choise of a gamble or a sure-thing at this minute which would you take? The most discriminating exhibitors in this country, the leaders of theatre craft, have selected the pictures of Sessue Hayakawa. In more than five thousand theatres his photoplays are an important feature. There is no good reason why you should gamble when the following eight productions have been proven sure-thing Box Office winners: Temple of Dusk Produced by Haworth Available at all ROBERTSON-COLE EXCHANGES More Information on Sessue Hawakawa... Books None. Last Modified February 15, 2008.