The Shuttle (1918)
LEWIS J. SELZNICK present Constance Talmadge in "THE
Lewis J. Selznick Presents Adapted by Margaret Trunbull and Harvey Thew from the
novel of the same name by CAPTIVATING Constance Talmadge in "The Shuttle" plays the role of Bettina Vanderpoel, a high spirited truly American girl who visits her sister Rosalie, married to an english lord who wed her for her money and who has broken her spirit and health as well as emptied her purse. Bettina rehabilitates her sister, physically and mentally, and also wins the love of a neighboring English lord of the finest type; thus spinning another weft with the shuttle of love which plies across the wide waters of the Atlantic. CAST OF CHARACTERS
SELECT PICTURES with Constance Talmadge and Edith Johnson. Directed by Rollin Sturgeon. Select Pictures. More Information on this film...
Books None Last Modified September 28, 2013 |