Ten Scars Make a Man (1924)
"TEN SCARS MAKE A MAN" by PHILIP BARRY Produced by W. W. PATTON Pathéserial MILLER'S THEATRE Country of origin and production, U. S. A.
"TEN SCARS MAKE A MAN" Moonlight -- warn, sweet winds -- adventure -- romance! She loved him, he loved her. But the shade of her Castillian ancestor came between them -- the bold brave, valiant adventurer who earned his right to his lady. She shook her head slowly. "You know our family motto. 'Ten Scars Make a Man.' The man I marry must earn his right to me -- must earn ten scars to prove himself." But he loved her -- loved her with that fierce intensity that counts no effort too great -- and so he set out to win his ten scars and --- The's the start of one of the most absorbing and fascinating plots ever made into a serial motion picture -- a ten-chapter photoplay of romance and adventure -- laid amid the romantic surroundings of the West that Bret Harte knew so well. Pathéserial with Allene Ray and Jack Mower. Directed by William Parke. Pathé. (Ten chapter serial). More Information on this film...
Miller's Theatre at CinemaTreasures.org Books (none) Last Modified October 30, 2022 |