Womanhood: The Glory of the Nation (1917)

Pressbook for WOMANHOOD: THE GLORY OF THE NATION (1918) with Alice Joyce


J. Stuart Blackton's
By J. Stuart Blackson and Cyrus Townsend Brady
Alice Joyce -- Harry Morey
and an All Star Vitagraph Cast

Including Peggy Hyland, James Morrison, Naomi Childers, Joseph Kilgour, Mary Maurice, Walter McGrail, Templar Saxe, Edward Elkas and Bobby Connelly.

The picture is a direct answer to the pacifist group and  It is the reply which the American woman makes to those who would betray or despoil her flag. It portrays the three great loves of a woman's life, the love of a maid for a man, the love of mother for her child, the love of a woman for her country.


Two styles one sheets
Two styles three sheets
Two styles six sheets
One style twenty-four sheet
One style window card
De Luxe Heralds
Slide on Play
Slide on Contest
Slides of Stars
Complete Musical Score
Newspaper supplement portrait of Alice Joyce in colors
Special Press Sheets
Cuts of scenes
Vitagraph Trade Mark Cuts
Cuts of stars
Special Advertising cuts
Plates of newspaper ads.
8 11x14 lobby photos
2 22x28 lobby photos
8x10 photos of stars
5x7 photos of scenes


Pressbook for WOMANHOOD: THE GLORY OF THE NATION (1918) with Alice Joyce


J. STUART BLACKSON's Soul Stirring Production
By J. Stuart Blackton and Cyrus Townsend Brady

and an All Star Vitagraph Cast -- Including

Six Sheet
Three Sheet

Every merchant in your town should display one of these cards in his widow.

Post these one sheets brodcst through the country and neighborhood.

Attractive banners can be ade by cutting the portrait fro these one sheets and pastig same on canvas.

Pressbook for WOMANHOOD: THE GLORY OF THE NATION (1918) with Alice Joyce

J. STUART BLACKSON's Soul Stirring Production
By J. Stuart Blackton and Cyrus Townsend Brady

and an All Star Vitagraph Cast -- Including

The exhibitor that carries on a real, red-blooded advertising campaign is the one who will make a success of this picture.
Do not be afraid to post plenty of paper -- you will be repaid many times over.
The reproductions shown here give but a poor idea of the attractiveness of these posters, done in four and five colors.
They are, however, a guide for you to order from.
Remember -- Posting is your cheapest form of advertising. Circus the town if you want big results.

Three Sheet
Six Sheet
Twenty-four Sheet

Pressbook for WOMANHOOD: THE GLORY OF THE NATION (1918) with Alice Joyce


The following suggestions would be appropriate in some places but not in others -- they are listed here for your consideration with the hope that they will help you swell your box office receipts.

Start your preliminary advertising as far in advance as possible -- four weeks ahead of time you can begin running a slide -- announcements in your program -- and advance news items in the newspaper.

Three weeks in advance of the picture the campaign should start in earnest. Small two-inch ads should appear two or three times during this week, carrying single lines as follows

"Shall we suffer Belgium's fate?" See "Womanhood," etc.

"Are you going to wait until they shoot YOUR sister?" See "Womanhood, the Glory of the Nationn" at the Gemm, date.

"Your country needs you now -- come to the Gem and see WHY, date."

"If you are an American you  should see 'Womanhood, the Glory of the Nation,' at the Gem Theatre, date."

"American Must Protect America. Are you ready? See 'Womanhood.'"
Any catch lines with a patriotic appeal would be appropriate.

Two weeks in advance post 24 sheets on every available board in your neighborhood. Place window cards in every store -- tack them throughout the neighborhood and country. Circus the town with one, three and six sheets.

Advertise an advance seat sale. Have your tickets printed so that they will be good for one particular performance only. Many times an exhibitor can sell out his house for each performance in this manner instead of hving more people than he can take care of on his first showing and only a handful on the second. Matinee tickets could be sold at bargain prices.

One week in advance run 1/4-page ads in the newspapers and secure as many stories in the editorial columns as possible.

Mail a special letter with your program, same to be printed in patriotic style, to your entire mailing list.

Secure a number of Boy Scouts to distribute heralds from house to house. When handing a herald to anyone, the boys should say: "America needs you. See 'Womanhood, the Glory of the Nation' at the Lyric Theatre -- it tells you WHY."

Hire a carefully selected orchestra and have several rehearsals before the opening -- complete music score obtainable at the exchange.

The day before the opening, run half-page ads., if possible, and on the opening day a full page. These advertisements can be mde up from the cuts available, which are reproduced on the last two pages of this book.

Don't forget to work the telephone -- you have something worth talking about.

Send special invitations to prominent patriotic societies to attend in a body.

Mention "The Battle Cry of Peace" (to which "Womanhood" is a sequel) in your advertising.

Use red, white and blue bulbs in your side lights.

Arrange with National Guard or Boy Scouts and G. A. R. men for a parade through the streets, same to be headed by three figures representing the "Spirit of '76." For this, use a boy, a middle aged man and an elderly man, all dressed in Revolutionary costume, with drum and fife. This parade should end in front of your theatre, where the band will play patriotic airs.

Ushers should be girls dressed as "Columbia" or as Red Cross nurses, carrying flashlights. The glass on the flashlight might have an American flag painted or pasted thereon.

If possible, get up suitable stage setting -- for example, a campfire scene with dummy soldiers would be effective, shing tent in rear, using a red electric light bulb covered over with sticks of wood for the fire. Have several stacks of guns off to one side. The entire stage should be draped with Aerican flags and red, white and blue bunting.

At the end of the picture, have a leader step up on the stage and lead the audience in the singing of "America."

The night before the opening get out a war extra. This would consist of a four-page newspaper with scare headines carrying war news, and filled up with press stories and your own advertisement for your theatre about "Womanhood." Have boys distribute these on the streets, yelling "Extra, extra!!!!"

A private showing should be arranged for the morning of the first day. Invite the city officials, G. A. R., D. A. R., Spanish-Aerican War Veterans, army officers, and any prominent citizens interested in preparedness. After the showing, secure their comments and use them as a basis for special newspaper publicity.

If there is a recruiting station in your town, you can easily have a man detailed to your theatre who will take the names of men willing to enlist. He should be stationed at the desk in the lobby where he will distribute literature on recruiting.

Print in your program the address of the nearest recruiting station.

Secure an empty store window and decorate it with guns, saddles, swords, etc., obtainable at local armory.

Put on Saturday morning performance for school children and public institutions at reduced prices.

Secure the co-operation of the Military Training Camp Association.

Put a flag and banner with ad. on top of theatre and play a spotlight on it at night.



"Submarine Fire Bugs" and "Concealed Trenches," the two big American military secrets which are turned upon the invaders of our country in "Womanhood, the Glory of the Nation," together with America's Joan of Arc, who stilmulates recruiting, and the combined efforts of our manufacturers, captains of industry, and inventors under the direction of the new Cabinet office, Director of Energies, are  few of the big surprises which this country might use in case of actual war.

"WOMANHOOD, THE GLORY OF THE NATION," should create twice the stir that was created by "THE BATTLE CRY OF PEACE." The picture is bigger, better and the story with its patriotism taken away would still be soul-inspiring.

The cast of the other big spectacles of this sort do not compare with the case of "WOMANHOOD, THE GLORY OF THE NATION." These names -- Alice Joyce, Harry Morey, Naomi Childers, James Morrison , Joseph Kilgour, Peggy Hyland, Bobby connelly, Walter McGrail, Edward Elkas, Templar Saxe and thousands of others go to make this the greatest case ever appearing in any photoplay.

The aim of "Womanhood" is the exaltation of patriotism, the necessity of preparedness, the compelling power of self-scrifice, especially amoung the women of American in this troubled and anxious time.

The picture is a direct answer to the pacifist group and the anti-American foreigners in this country. It is the reply which the American woman makes to those who would betray or despoil her flag. It portrays the three great loves of a woman's life, the love of a maid for a man, the love of a mother for her child, the love of a woman for her country.

This wonderful masterpiece of camera craft, written by J. Stuart Blackton and Cyrus Townsend Brady, and produced under the personal direction and supervision of Commodore Blackton, is more than a motion picture spectable. It is a clarion call for the preservation of these United States by awakening within the breast of each individual the realization of the needs of the nation for a greatly augmented armament and that true spirit of patriotism, which, spreading from heart to heart, makes that wonderful, unconquerable thing called NATIONAL SPIRIT.

With the strongest fighting machine in the world, a depleated treasury and a revolution pending in the event of another tax burden, the leaders of the Ruritanian Council point to America, rich and unprotected, because of her Peace-At-Any-Price policy, as the one object of their salvation.

The lynching of Count Varick's secret agent of Ruritania for the murder of United States Marshall Whelan, is the ecuse found by ruritania's military clique to invade America.

The full horror of a hopeless war bespeaks the first stages of the conflict. Churches, mills and homes are destroyed and the helpless and homeless are subjected to frightful presecution, while the untrained soldiers are slaughtered by the thousands.

Pressbook for WOMANHOOD: THE GLORY OF THE NATION (1918) with Alice Joyce


The Story

Mary Ward, a brilliant American girl, is guest of honor at a farewell ball in Ruritania. This is a country in which the de facto ruler, Marshal Prince Dario, holds sway. His son, Count Dario, is very young and susceptible and he falls sincerely in love with Mary.

He proposes to Mary, who almost accepts him. She tells him if he is in earnest to come to America for her answer. He makes the significant comment that he may be in America sooner than she expects.

With the strongest fighting machine in the world, a depleted treasury an a revolution pending another tax burden, the leaders in the Ruritanian council point to Aerica -- peace-loving, rich and unprotected -- as the one object of their salvation A pretext is easily found to precipitate hostilities.

Touring homeward by way of Manila, Mary meets Paul Strong, a verile type of American, as governor of the Philippines just at the moment of the war's outbreak. There is a chance period of courtship afforded them amid the tense panic of the national calamity when they travel on the same vessel to the States, he to take up important duties in connetion with the defense, for the enemy has struck.

The full horror of a hopeless conflict marks the first atages of the war. Churches, mills and homes are destroyed and the helpless and homeless are subjected to frightful persecution, while America's untrained soldiers are slain by the thousands.

The whole nation is passing through a dire ordeal when Paul Strong is appointed Director of Energies. As such he formulates a wonderful and comprehensive plan of united action and thought. However, because of past unpreparedness, long months of persistent effort must elapse ere the program reaches fulfilment. Mary for her part undertakes another and most dangerous patriotic work. Being thrown in contact with the invaders, she manages to secure a place in their headquarters through pretending to reciprocate the love of Count Dario.

Mary's position at the ruritanian headquarters, from which she is in secret comminication with the American camp beyond the city, becomes precarious when she slips through the lines to attend the meeting of the patriotic defenders.

After one of her narrow escapes, Paul Strong boldly makes his way into the midst of the enemy council and delivers America's final challenge.

He is mocked and Mary, at the same time, is confronted with evidence of her espionage. Both are condemned to be shot. But America is ready at last, Paul demonstrates it by an object lesson that quickly secures for him and Mary safe conduct back to their lines.

The concentration of resources and highly trained patriotism now make good in the final test. There is a great battle on land and sea in which the enemy is annihilated. America emerges once more -- a nation strong and triumphant.

Better known motion picture stars than Alice Joyce and Harry Morey, who appear in the leading roles of "Womanhood, the Glory of the Nation," could hardly have been chosen for this magnificent film spectable. Miss Joyce and Mr. Morley have been featured together in some of Vitagraph's finest productions, these including "Whom the Gods Destroy," "The Courage of Silence" and the great special feature, "Within the Law," by Bayard Veiller, which follows "Womanhood" as a release.

"Womanhood, The Glory of The Nation"

J. Stuart Blackton's Stupendous Dramatic Spectacle in Eight Reels.
By J. Stuart Blackton and Dr. Cyrus Townsend Brady.
Directed by: J. Stuart Blackson.
Assisted by: William P. S. Earle.

Marshall Prince Dario Joseph Kilgour
Phillip Ward James Morrison
Alice Renfrow Peggy Hyland
Jane Strong Naomi Childers
Baron Reyve Templer Saxe
Count Dario Walter McGrail
Ortos, the Spy Edward Elkas
The Little Boy Bobby Connelly
Mrs. Strong Mary Maurice

What Would You Do?
Could You Sacrifice Desires and Still Your Emotions for the Country's Good?

If you were a beautiful American debutante and received a proposal of marriage from a fine young foreign nobleman, would you hesitate?

If you were an unprotected girl and heard that your home had been wrecked in a sudden war, would you dare to hurry back to the heart of danger?

If you found your mother and sister slain and your brother blinded in a hopeless battle, would you have the womanhood to bear up under it?

If the debonair foreign nobleman came along and still showed he loved you, would you forgive him for being an invader?

If you had a chance to serve your country by pretending to be a traitor, would you consider it?

If your true American lover's sister was ruthlessly eecuted before your eyes, would you ruin your country's plans by betraying your sympathies?

If you were finally discovered and could purchase safety and a life of ease by wedding a barbarous foeman, would you prefer to choose a miserable death?

Mary Ward has to decide all these and other momentous questions in J. Stuart Blackton's soul-stirring spectable, "Womanhood, The Glory of a Nation," starring Alice Joyce in the role of Mary Ward and Harry T. Morey which is at the (.....) Theatre on (.....).

Pressbook for WOMANHOOD: THE GLORY OF THE NATION (1918) with Alice Joyce



The regular set of lobby photos consisting of eight 11 x 14 black and white, and two 22x28 hand-colored, is by for the most attractive display we have ever offered on any release. Beside these, a 22 x 28 hand-colored portrait of Alice Joyce may be had which is suitable for framing.

Your lobby decoration is a very important item on this picture. Give it plenty of patriotic atmosphere. Go to your local armory or recruiting station and borrow everything available in the way of rifles, a machine gun, old cannon, shells, cartridges, army blankets, saddles, etc. If space permits, you could rig up a regular soldiers' tent and camp scene. Several stacks of guns draped with a flag could be set in the corners.

Station two militia men in uniform in front of the theatre with bugles. Fifteen minutes before each performance have them walk around the neighborhood blowing bugle calls.

Burning red fire on the curb in front of the theatre before each performance will attract attention.


Pressbook for WOMANHOOD: THE GLORY OF THE NATION (1918) with Alice Joyce


When Maimed Meets Blind
Pathos Marks Dramatic Incident in "Womanhood, The Glory of the Nation," as Lover Are Reunited after Havoc of Battle.

Departing for the front, Phillip Ward, fine specimen of young American manhood, had torn himself from the affectionate embrace of his fiancee, Alice Renfrow, the latter a delicate sweet-faced girl who fairly worshipped him. The cruel edict of war had demanded their separation, he to do his duty she to wait and pray.

However, her mettle was brought out by the countrys peril, and instead of idling at home in ease she went also to the front as a Red Cross nurse. There she is wounded and disfigured by a shell that wrecks the church-hospital. Recoering she finds her beauty forever marred and realizes that she can give her lover nothing but a wreck of her former self. Anguished she decides to free him.

In the meantime something has happened to Philip. Fighting valiantly in the trenches he is rendered sightless for life. He is brought home and demands to be taken at once to Alice -- to tell her to choose a whole, sound man. They meet, neither knowing of the disaster that has befallen the other.

This happens in a tear-compelling scene in "Womanhood, The Glory of a Nation," (sic) the great dramatic spectacle produced for the Vitagraph by J. Stuart Blackton. The roles are played by James Morrison and Peggy Hyland respectively with all the art which these two sterling players have at their command. The production is the attraction at the (.....) Theatre on (.....)

Harry Morey Delivers Patriotic Address
Arouses Sincere Enthusiasm In His Movie Audience.

Although J. Stuart Blackton, who both wrote and directed his great patriotic spectacle, "Womanhood, The Glory of a Nation," (sic) is considered one of the most masterful producers of the age, even he would have found it impossible to arouse the enthusiasm in his players which they display in one of themassive dramatic scenes after Harry T. Morey finishes his speech.

This audience was not composed of extra people -- rather leading citizens who were invited to become the audience because of the interest which Mr. Blackston (sic) knew they felt in preparedness and the motion picture industry.

A large auditorium in the vicinity of the Vitagraph studios was specially engaged for these scenes and when the day arrived and Mr. Morey took his place upon the platform, dressed in his soldier's uniform, a sea of eager, expectant faces looked into his.

For a moment he hesitated. Accustomed as he has become to working before the camera the audience startled him, but after he had once begun the thrilling dramatic speech -- a plea for an awkward spirit of patriotism in every American sould -- he forgot himself and with earnest tone carried the hundreds before him through his speech -- every foot of the way.

Twice, without any prompting from Mr. Blackton who was directing the scene, they arose in their enthusiasm, cheering Mr. Morey's words and making the building fairly ring with their patriotic ardor.

A true American ccitizen in every sense of the world and overflowing with the spirit of '76, Mr. Morey found no trouble in delivering his masterful speech in a menner worth of the greatest orator and before he had finished there wasn't one individual in his audience who was not willing to sacrifice all he possessed for the honor of his beloved land.

"Acting is very well," declared the author-produced (sic) after he had witnessed this piece of film run off in his projection room, "but at ist best it can never compare with the real thing and we have the real thing in these scenes."

To have satisfied the demands of Mr. Blackton is sufficient recommendation for any film and the success which this patriotic feature which is playing at the (.....) Theatre on (.....) has attained speaks in itself for the attractiveness of genuine enthusiasm displayed throughout.

Reasons Why You Should See "Womanhood, The Glory of The Nation"

Some reasons for the remarkable success of Commodore J. Stuart Blackton's sould -stirring drama, "Womanhood, The Glory of a Nation," (sic) starring Alice Joyce and Harry Morey with an all-star Vitagraph cast which is shown at the (.....) Theatre on (.....) are listed below:

New York is shown bombed from the sky.
Theodore Roosevelt makes a rousing patriotic speech.
Submarines are shown discharging torpedoes under water.
The capitol at Washington is the background for a scene containing thousands of people
Two high blooded European gallants fight a duel with rapiers.
Navy yards and munitions factories are seen in full blast.
Zeppelins are witnessed maneuvering in action.
A new invention, the "aerial torpedo," is demonstrated.
A clever secret wireless telephone is employed to send dispatches from a daring girl in the enemy hedquarters to the American lines.
The legendary Columbia is brought to life with an invencible sword and shield.
A pacifist meeting turns into a riot that is anything but pacific.
A human militaristic machine slays his own son to enforce discipline and to gain time for a battle.
A Civil War battlefield strewn with hero dead is transformed into terrain peopled with restored armies.
A heroine of the ation is kidnapped in an aeroplane by foreign agents.
A whole navy is destroyed in a sea of burning oil.
The stoke room of a battleship is seen engulfed as the vessel founders.
Gas attacks as conducted on the battlefield are reproduced with fidelity to actual conditions.

Pressbook for WOMANHOOD: THE GLORY OF THE NATION (1918) with Alice Joyce


In order to create more interest on the part of the public to see "Womanhood," Vitagraph will give away $1000.0 for the best 500-word essay on "How America Should Prepare." This contest is open to anyone, and will close July 4, 1917.

The judges will be two army officers, two navy officers, and Commodore J. Stuart Blackton, producer of "Womanhood."

Immediately before the picture goes on, flash this slide on the screen. The folders referred to, which fully describe all details of the contest, may be obtained at your exchange.

Boost the $1000.00 prize contest in your newspaper advertising, in your program, and all special publicity.


Single Column Cuts of Alice Joyce, Peggy Hyland and Harry Morey furnished in both 65 and 120 line Screen.

Double Column Cuts of Alice Joyce, Peggy Hyland and Harry Morey available in 65 Screen only

Alice Joyce     Harry Morey     Peggy Hyland

Advance Advertising Slide

Pressbook for WOMANHOOD: THE GLORY OF THE NATION (1918) with Alice Joyce


Peggy Hyland's Peril
Stands by Church Window Blown in by an Invading Army's Shell.

While thrill after thrill marks the action in Commodore J. Stuart Blackton's soul-stirring patriotic spectacle "Womanhood, The Glory of the Nation," which is the attraction at the (.....) Theatre on (.....) one of the most startling is when Peggy Hyland, among Vitagraph's greatest stars, appears to be injured during the bombardment of a church in which she is acting as a Red Cross nurse. The window is blown in with a crash and she falls, to be picked up unconscious out of the debris in a following scene.

Of course there was a blast, but not so severe as the picture presents, and there was real danger. Few girls in the films would care to go through the ordeal. Miss Hyland consenting to play Alice Renfrow was greatly appreciated by Mr. Blackton since she has that sweet beauty most appropriate to the particular type of womanhood that hastes to perform deeds of mercy near the battle front.

Although this scene lasts but five seconds on the screen, it required elaborate machinery to produce and cost a great deal of money. A multitude of just such painstaking details make up the entire production.

Late Capt. Jack Crawford Lives Again in the Film

Those who knew Capt. Jack Crawford, the "Poet Scout" -- and he was known far and wide over the United States as a gifted and picturesque character may easily recognize him as in life when they see "Womanhood, The Glory of the Nation," starring Alice Joyce and Harry Morey at the (.....) Theatre on (.....).

In the stupendous Vitagraph production he performs one of the bits of heroic daring such as he was associated with by reputation. He diead at his home on Long Island last February but during the summer of 1916 was alive and vigorous, though aged. At the invitation of Commodore J. Stuart Blackton, who was a great friend to him, Capt. Jack took part in the filming of the battle scenes of "Womanhood, The Glory of a (sic) Nation" and was featured in one scene where, garbed in his own buckskin, he heads the last stand of a group of devoted Grand Army men who make a fight against the invaders of America. The whole group meets a dramatic end, Capt. Jack with his trusty Winchester being the last to fall..

Thousands Spent in Securing Battle Scenes
J. Stuart Blackton Offers Many Thrills In His Soul-Stirring Spectacle

Perhaps the most realistic, vivid battle scenes ever filmed are offered to the audience at the (.....) Theatre on (.....) when Vitagraph presents, "Womanhood, The Glory of the Nation," the soul-stirring patriotic spectacle by J. Stuart Blackton, starring Alice Joyce and Harry Morey.

As far as the human eye can reach is the battlefield strewn here and there with the heroes who have fallen in honor that their country might live. The air is dusky with the smoke of conflict and bombs burst, continually rising clouds of dirt as they tear up a goodly portion of the ground.

Then the trenches with their men leaning upwards, rifles aimed at the approaching foe are seen -- airships encircle the field, dropping poisonous gas bombs and other deadly missives on the men fighting beneath.

Then come the decisive naval battles after Aerican has concentrated every energy and prepared herself for the terrific onslaught of the foe. The fleets move seaward in a majestic line, every gun manned by an expert marksman ad every bliler attended by devoted men. Now a shell sent from the enemy's ship finds its mark and shoots through the water, leaving behind it the dead white trail of foam. Finally it comes into contact with the ship and in a few moments undres have been claimed by a watery grave. The men in the boiler foom fight one another like rats in a hole as they feel their vessel give alurch sideways and realize their means of escape is cut off.

When war visits its horrors upon any land its inhabitants become crazed and sacrifices untold are suffered by the people. There is no limit -- it is murderous slaughter and the side conceiving the most effective instruments of destruction is naturally victorious.

Then Uncle Sam plays his trump card -- he sets his "firebugs" loose amid the enemy's ships and in another few minutes victory is recognized. These "firebugs" are small boats steered by wireless so that no men are necessary and filled with gasoline which is set afire when they reach the fleet of the enemy and turn the waters into a curtain of fire.

Mr. Blackton sprared no effort or expense that these scenes might be authentic to the minutest detail in order that the proper atmosphere be secured and he was generously given the co-opoeration of the U. S. Army and Navy as far as praticable.

Therefore, all the battle scenes graphically portray just the conditi- (sic) were invaded by a powerful enemy.

Pressbook for WOMANHOOD: THE GLORY OF THE NATION (1918) with Alice Joyce

If This Flag Is Good Enough to Live Under, Is is Good Enough to Fight for --
IF you saw "Womanhood, the Gloryof the Nation," you would appreciate the perilous situation this country is in. You would see how and why our shores could be invaded, with Belgiums fate as a result. Never was there apicture more timely, more stirring in its appeal, more powerful inits message. It is your duty to see

PEGGY HYLAND, Naomi Childers, bobby Connelly, Mary Maurice, james Morrison, -- and an All Star Vitagraph Cast

The Most Spectacular, Intensely Human, High Powered, Photo Production Ever Shown. the New York Press with One Accord Laud It as the Film of the Hour.

Every Afternooon 2:15          Evenings 7:15 and 9:00
Admission $1.00, 50c and 25c


This is not a complete plate. Read instructions on this page for setting up.

How to Set Up This Newspaper Ad in any Desired Size
For a three colun ad simply orer from your exchange the Joan of Arc cut size B, the "Womanhood" three column advertising slug and and (sic) the two trade mark cuts size 01. Take them to your newspaper with the sample layout shown herewith as a guide in setting up.

To make smaller or larger advertisements, order cut sizes in proportion.

For halt (sic) page ads, we can supply a large Joan of Arc cut, size AA, measuring 6 inches wide and 9 inches high.

With the Joan of Arc cuts, advertising slugs, cuts of scenes and electros of stars, exhibitor showing "Womanhood" will have a wealth of material for getting up any size ad from one inch to one page.

See back page for border plate available.

Pressbook for WOMANHOOD: THE GLORY OF THE NATION (1918) with Alice Joyce

In addition to the cuts reproduced on this page, there is available a large cut of Joan of Arc, size AA, which is six inches wide and nie inches high.

Cut of Joan of Arc Size C
Cut of Joan of Arc Size B
Cut of Joan of Arc Size A
Cut of Joan of Arc Size D
Trade Mark Cut No. 01
"Womanhood" Three Column Advertising Slug
"Womanhood" Single Column Advertising Slug
"Womanhood" Two Column Advertising Slug

For use with the presentation of "Womanhood," a synchronized musical core is available, suitable to meet the requirements either of a complete grand orchestra or one pianist.

Pressbook for WOMANHOOD: THE GLORY OF THE NATION (1918) with Alice Joyce

"WOMANHOOD, The Glory of the Nation"

This plate supplied in two, three and four column widths for newspaper advertisemets. Blank spaces are mortised to permit of insertion of your own copy and theatre name. Designate your orders as follows:

Double Column -- Order Cut No. WDC
Three Column -- Order Cut No. WTC
Four Column -- Order Cut No. WEC

Beautiful Art Supplement of alice Joyce, size 8x11 1/4 inches, lithographed in full color, available for free distribution by newspapers. Ask your exchange for particulars.

with Alice Joyce, Harry T. Morey, and Naomi Childers. Directed by J. Stuart Blackton and William P.S. Earle. Vitagraph.

More Information on this film...



Public Domain Mark
This work (Womanhood: The Glory of the Nation (1917), by Paramount), identified by Bruce Calvert, is free of known copyright restrictions.



Last Modified October 17, 2019