Strand Theatre, Auckland, New Zealand - March 15, 1919

Strand Theatre program, Auckland, New Zealand, featuring Mabel Normand in PECKS BAD GIRL (1918).


"What's going on at The Strand!"

Vol. 2 -- No. 46.     SATURDAY, MARCH 15th, 1919     Free.

Mabel Normand in "Peck's Bad Girl"

Screening at THE STRAND for week commencing Saturday next, March 15.


Strand Theatre program, Auckland, New Zealand, featuring Mabel Normand in PECKS BAD GIRL (1918).

2     The Strand Picture Mirror     March 15th, 1919


NEXT Saturday, Mabel Normand in "Peck's Bad Girl."

HERE is Mabel at her most laughable and enjoyable best--once more in broad comedy.

The first of Geraldine Farrar's Goldwyn pictures will be seen here very shortly. It is entitled, "The Turn of the Wheel."

IN "Peck's Bad Girl" Mabel was "a devil in her home town." Adventure was everything in her young life.

THE STRAND, ever in the lead, has once again proved it by its first screening in the Dominion this week of Charlie Chaplin in "A Dog's Life," the first of his new Million dollar Comedies, which we have all hears so much about. Owning to the enormously increased price paid for this new Chaplin picture, the Strand has had no option but to increase the prices of admission for this one week only.

IN "Peck's Bad Girl," Mabel Normand finds several opportunities to discard her soiled gingham dress and tam-o'-shanter and don some pretty gowns and fashionable hats. Many will be eager to see her as the merry mirthmaker of old, as well as countless other who love to see the Goldwyn star becomingly gowned in several up-to-the-minute frocks.

YOU love a good laugh. You like to rock in an agony of mirth until the tears roll down your face, over the thoughtful droop of a pair of trousers, the wistful expression of a man being thrown down a flight of steps or lightly tossed out of an upstairs window. That is why, when Charlie Chaplin is in his latest at THE STRAND, you carefully powder your nose, forget to wash the dishes--and go!

Mabel Normand
Featuring Mabel Normand

Screening at THE STRND for the week commencing Saturday next.

MABEL NORMAND is back at her old tricks in her newest Goldwyn Picture, "Peck's Bad Girl."

FOR years the said old village of Yaptank has been both amused and shocked by the pranks of Mabel Penelope Peck (Miss Normand). There are but a few of the villagers who haven't at some time or other been the victims of the irrepressible Mabel's little jokes. Cyrus Gordon feels the sting of her hatpin while his tooth is being extracted at the dentist's; Adam Hobbs, Yaptank's fattest citizen, is talking to Sue Mason, the village belle, when suddenly all of Adam's weight is sprawled on the sidewalk, mabel having tied her dog's chain to Hobbs' cane and then whistled for the dog.

But with the arrival of Richard Hayes, Mabel decides to change her mode of living, and obtains a job in the millinery shop, for Richard soon takes a fancy to Mabel and she to him. Hayes poses as a jewelery salesman, bit is really a private detective to who word has come of a plot to rob the Yaptank Bank. While working late one night Mabel's curiosity is aroused when she finds some candle grease near a trap door in the floor. Mabel investigates, and her discoveries and subsequent action brings the play to a successful conclusion.

Strand Theatre program, Auckland, New Zealand.

March 15th, 1919     The Strand Picture Mirror     3


DOES Chaplin think of the future? Has he ambitions? No one knows except himself. But his idea of his present work is very clearly shown in his answer to a woman who asked to hime recently: "We expect finer things of you, Mr. Chaplin." She was an "uplift" woman who, like so many, believes that tradegy is a higher form of art than comedy.

"Indeed, madam," replied Chaplin, with his smile. "But don't you think that is is fine to make people laugh--especially at such a time as this, when laughter is so rare?

GERMANY'S Motto: "If you can't cow, coo!"

A CRITIC, after seeing "Peck's Bad Girl," wrote: "This picture has been built for the express purpose of furnishing Mabel Normand with plenty of opportunity to kick up her heels and play tomboy, to the delight of her many admirers."


MABEL NORMAND'S sapphire-studded vanity case slipped out of her hand the other day and fell to the floor of the Goldwyn Studio. the bauble sprand open and disclosed the pictre of a handsome young soldier. Bystands thought they were on to the secret of the sprightly star's recent distrait manner. They taxed her with it, whereupon Mabel pirouetted and dropped her eyes. "I love him better than any man in the world. He's brother Claude, and he's just arrived in France," she said, snapping the gold box and scampering away.

PATRON (waiting in the queue otuside pictre thestre and getting rather impatient): "Are you the young lady who sold me a ticket?"
"Yes, I am."
"Ah! You're looking well. And the grand-children--how are they?

"Well, I'm not half undressed, anyway!"

Mabel Normand in "Peck's Bad Girl," screenin at THE STRAND for the week commencing next Saturday.

Strand Theatre program, Auckland, New Zealand.

March 15th, 1919     The Strand Picture Mirror     4

(Address all enquiries to the Editor, "Picture Mirror.")

C.Y.Z. (CITY).--Norma and Constance Talmadge, c/o Select 318 E. 48th St., New York. yes, when Cupid hits the mark he generally Mrs. It!
GERTRUDE (DEVONPORT).--You will continue to see several of the late Harold Lockwood's pictures, taken prior to his death.
IDEA (MT. EDEN).--You say you are thinking of plunging into pictures. Well, spash away! We wish you luck.

WHEN the mercury is horris--
In the nineties--and the torrid
Air is hot as Whatsitsname;
When the days are stewed and hectic,
still I seek no fans electric
To refrigerate my frame!
I don't try to freeze my tummy
With a sundae gooed and gummy
Just to cool my fevered bean!
Ney, it's me a seat that's fillingAt a movie, where the chilling
O. Petrova's on the screen!
There I sit enwrapped in shivers,
Frosty cold as Iceland rivers,
When Miss Olga is in form.
for, comapred to her, by gollies,
Glaciers are hot tomales
And an iceberg's nice and warm!


I HAVE made up my mind to created laughter -- henceforth.
All of my coming Pictures are to be broad comedies, full of cheer and happiness.
I wish to bring everyone relief from sadness. The thousand who write to me think I have the gift of making people happy.
You will like my new Goldwyn Star Series productions more than any picture I have ever made, because they are filled to the brim with smiles.


[We allowed THE STRAND'S untamed office boy to see Mabel Normand's latest picture privately the other day, and this is how he describes it.--Ed. Mirror].

"PECK'S BAD GIRL" is the breeziest swiftest, most delifhtful comedy-drama produced since hector was a pup. It's Broad Comedy, alright; the kind of stuff all you picture fans have been wanting. It will drive right home to every member of the family, from little freckled-face Willie to dignified Aunt Priscilla, who as a rule doesn't care much for the picture, but who simply can't maintain her dignity when Mabel comes to town.

Mabel Normand is at her very best. First you see her as the town nuisance, playing so many tricks and pranks that anyone of the townsfolk would give a year of their life if someone would take Mabel Penelope Peck and chuck her into the river. Then something happens! A dream of a city vamp blows into Yaptank. Something more happens!! There hard guys from somewhere put in the appearance, and then the real trouble starts. Mabel's got her suspicions, so she ups and at 'em. And what Mabel does to save the day for Yaptank would send thrills down the spine of a petrified monkey!!

"PECK'S BAD GIRL" is a wonderful and fitting story for the greatest comedienne of the stage.

"WHY should a woman take a man's name?" asks a feminist. Why indeed? Often the poor fellow has done nothing to deserve it!

CHAPLIN works spasmodically, but tremendously hard when he is at it, and longs passionately for the success of his picture; yet for the fame that comes with them he cares very little. He is a constant cross to his publicy men. he never looks at his press clippings, and would carelessly use an autographed letter from the Czar of Russia to shaving paper. It is were not for his manager or secretary, little of his essential mail would ever be opened.

Strand Theatre program, Auckland, New Zealand, featuring Mabel Normand in PECKS BAD GIRL (1918).





She starts off as a ragamuffin, and very flighty one at that. Her pranks would melt a misanthrope. Later she blossoms forth in fine dresses--and an obtrusive camisole. then things become serious, thrills commence, love enters, the plot thickens, and an unexpected denouement arrives.


How to deal with a magistrate.


Of course you have read the Story, but THE FILM IS EVEN BETTER THAN THE BOOK.

You will be forced to admire the beautiful gowns worn by Mabel. They are better than those worn in her previous pictures.

"There's no harm in the girl!"

>"In a tight corner.

A low-cut dress and a high-cut slip bodice.

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Last Modified February 22, 2015