Her Wild Oat (1927)

Colleen Moore in HER WILD OAT (1927).

104-14 Colleen Moore

Colleen Moore and Richard Travers in HER WILD OAT (1927)

104-40 Colleen Moore and Richard Travers

Colleen Moore and Larry Kent in HER WILD OAT (1927).

104-76 Colleen Moore and Larry Kent

Director Marshall Neilan, actress Colleen Moore and Labor Secretary James J. Davis on the set of HER WILD OAT (1927).

104-17A CABINET MEMBER VISITS FILM LAND - Colleen Moore, First National star, is hostess to Secretary of Labor James J. Davis on his recent visit to Hollywood. Marshall Neilan, who was directing Miss Moore in "Her Wild Oat" at the time, is on the left. When the Secretary of Labor dropped in at the Burbank studios of First National all labor stopped for the time being.

383 Madison Ave., New York City

January 30, 1928 is stamped on the back of this photo.

with Colleen Moore and Larry Kent. Directed by Marshall Neilan. First National.

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Last Modified April 14, 2022