Roxy Theatre, New York City, New York - September 29, 1928
Roxy Theatre
OFFICIAL MAGAZINE FOR ROXY THEATRE PATRONS Vol. IV, No. 4 Williams-Wiley Publications, Inc., 45 W. 45th St., N. Y. -- Phone Bryant 6160 Sept. 29, 1928
Hello Everybody!
"I dropped in at the Roxy the other afternoon.
We are perhaps prouder of our orchestra than of any other
As part of our tadio programs, we have recently instituted a
How Two Stars Crashed the Movie Gates IS America movie-struck ! Do the majority of stenographers secretly pine to glorify the screen, and do haberdashery clerks look beyond ties and shirts to the marvelous existence credited to the successful film player? Judging by the many inquiries received on how to "break in the movies," one is led to believe that such is the case.
So I decided to ask each movie player I met just how he or she made the
grade, and if from the recounting of these actual experiences those
seeking film fame find inspiration as to their own perticular "open
sesame," I am rewarded.
DOLORES DEL RIO, the olive skinned Mexican beauty of classic face and
still more classic lines, confessed that her entrance into the sacred
portals had come unsought. As most everyone knows, She "MY husband and I had married about a year when Edwin Carewe came to Mexico City to make exteriors for a picture starring Claire Windsor. It was also in the nature of a double honeymoon as Mr. Carewe had just married Mary Aiken, the screen actress, and Miss Windsor had just married Bert Lytell. A Dinner Party in Mexico, and a Boat Race in England Were Lucky Breaks, for Dolores Del Rio and Victor McLaglen. "Mr. Del Rio and I invited the entire party to our home for dinner. They had been on-location that day which delayed them somewhat. The result was that they came right in from the country, hot, dusty, and tired, besides being almost an hour late. They were greatly embarrassed by the incident and so, in an effort to put them at ease, I sang several Spanish songs for them after dinner. Mr. Carewe remarked to my husband that I was very talented and an ideal picture type and that should I ever wish to try the films, he would be glad to lend every assistance. "NATURALLY I was excited over the possibility of making a success in motion pictures and, after our guests had gone, my husband and I sidcussed the idea at some length. Of course, he was opposed to my doing anything so unconventional and it was only after several months of persuasion that he agreed to make the trip to Los Angeles. "He probably thought that the novelty of appearing in one production would cure me. (To Laat Page, Please)
Eldorado Rotisserie Restaurant
Kaleidoscopic Scenes Back-stage at Roxy The Music Score Usually Runs from Opera and Symphony to Ballads and Jazz. WHEN the week's show at the Roxy Theatre has been rinning for three or four performances, and the mechanics of production have settled themselves into the new routine, S. L. Rothafel assembles his staff together and outlines the skeleton for next week's program. Through them he gives to the 584 people in his organization a picture of what he plans for the following week. No sooner does one presentation get into its pace, than this impetus for the next one begins to absorb the attention of everyone concerned. Each of the sixteen department heads leaves the executive meeting with a general knowledge of what is expected from him, and just how it will finally be related to the others. The ballet master, the musical director, the vocal and dancing coaches, the scenic designer, the costumer, the chief electrician, begin their individual duties. A CROSS-SECTION of the seven-story building backstage, reveals the kaleidoscopic picture of a huge show-shop preparing a program involving some 350 performers. The department heads in turn convey to their staffs the outline of the show, and the dancers, the singers, the technicians, the designers and the artists begin to prepare the program that must be ready in less than a week. In the basement, the musicians' lounge has transformed its relaxation atmosphere into one of concentrated effort. The music for next week's presentation both on the screen and on the stage must be rehearsed between current performances. The score for the feature picture alone provides 185 cues to be mastered, and played according to a time schedule of split seconds. The average program runs through the whole of musical literature, from opera and symphony to ballads and jazz, and the tempo of the different types must be made to co-ordinate. In this environment, Erno Rapee, the musical director, is not the suave, well-groomed conductor of the orchestra pit. He has shed his coat -- an example that is generally followed by the orchestra -- and what he does nottransmit with both hands and his baton, he conveys by shouting. ON the floor above, in a large room near the stage, the Thirty=two Roxyettes are preparing their rhythmic stint and Russell Markert, their choreographer, is tackling the problem of fitting these precision dancers into the picture. He tries at lease twenty routines, and after selecting the best features of each, evolves a composition that satisfies him as a number having originality and appropriateness to the occasion. The nature of the dancing that is done by this group -- thirty-two bodies moving as one -- requires a tremendous amount of rehearsal. An actual count showed that one routine had to be gone over 161 times before it was found acceptable.
On another floor in the building is another rehearsal room, where the
forty memers of the Ballet Corps are using the free moments between
rehearsals in which to master the steps and combinations of next week's
routine. Leon Leonidoff, in charge of the ballet, has plotted the dances
on paper. From these sketches he imparts the details of the compositions
to the dancers. Several short rehearsals are necessart to acquaint them
with the requirements. They are all
MacFadden Publications BOUGHT -- SOLD -- QUOTED
Kaleidoscopic Scenes Back-stage At Roxy perfectly trained and many of the forty have been working together for a period of years. The broadcasting studio, directly above the ballet room, is the scene of quite another activity. Max Herzbert, Chorus Mast of the theatre, is familiarizing the Ensemble with the choral program, and here again cues and split seconds occupy the attention of the sixty singers. The chorus is divided into parts -- soprano, contralto, tenor, baritone and bass. Each part is rehearsed separately. Then the various units are perfected, all the voices are combined for the ensemble. Details of the stage business are given them, for in many instances the Churs supplies the atmospheric background of the stage spectacle. The singers come fro many lands, and their repertory includes songs in fourteen languages. The most important function of rehearsals, according to Mr. Herzbert, is the retention of the national spirit in the particular music sung. Partricia Bowman and Nicholas Daks, the principal dancers, are in another part of this backstange building, developing their special dance numbers. Clark Robinson, art director, is designing eight stage settings, although these will be used for only one week. Harriet Rogge, the costume designer, directs her staff of eighteen assistants, in making the 300 costumes that are required for the principals and the ensembles each week. Douglas Murray, production manager, keeps a graphic chart of the many elements in rehearsal and marks their progress. It is not until Friday, one day before the opening of the new production, that the separate brances are brought together for a stage rehearsal. On Saturday morning, the first, last and only dress rehearsal is held. On Saturday afternoon the organization must present a complete performance, perect in every detail of music, dancing, lighting and staging.
LEARN to FLY By Flying
Training in every branch of Aeronautics. We train for all Government
Aviation Engineering School THE prouder you are of your ability to judge coffee... the more pleased you will be... when you accept this invitation. Beech-Nut Coffee
Mr. S. L. Rothafel ("Roxy") invites you to hae a cup. Served in the
Grand Lounge
Fire Notice -- Look Around NOW and choose the nearest Exit to your seat. In case of fire, walk (not run) to THAT Exit. Do not try to beat your neighbor to the street. -- John J. Dorman, Fire Com.
Personal Direction of S. L. Rothafel, "Roxy"
1. THE ROXY ORGAN (Kimball)
Florence Rogge, Patricia Bowman
5. ROXYETTES CAPRICE (Program Continued on Second Page Following)
Henri Therrien
Toe Slippers in Roxy Ballet Exclusively by CAPEZIO, New York S. L. Rothafel invites you to have a cup of delicious BEECH-NUT Coffee. Served in the Grand Lounge Room from 2:30 to 6 and from 7:30 to 10 p.m., Sundays excepted.
The Season of GREAT Pictures At the ROXY
-- COMING --
A REQUEST We, the attaches of the Roxy Theatre, earnestly request our patrons to kindly refrain from offering gratuities for any services rendered. We have pledged Mr. S. L. Rothafel, "Roxy" that we will under no circumstances accept payment from his patrons for courtesies we enjoy extending to them. The offering of a gratuity will be mutually embarrassing because it will be politely be refused. THE ATTACHES -- William J. Reilly (Chief Usher) ![]() THE WAY TO WINGS THE rush to aviation -- widely reported as it is -- doesn't impress the man-in-the-street until he comes in contact -- as the writer did the other day -- with the concrete evidence of the great interest youth is showing in this sport of eagles. One hundred and fifty eager young men there were awaiting their turns at intruction in flying -- in airplane building -- in all the sciences of man's latest conquest, the air... Out at Curtiss Field at the hanger of the Aviation Engineering school, fifty bright-eyed American -- five of them feminine -- were going up -- by turns -- in various ships of the fleet. They're taught to handle all manner of mechanical birds. Then learn flying in good weather and bad. Fog, rain , ice, snow will not retard these couriers of the air. Back in Manhattan at West 57th Street a hundred ovalalled workers were bulding the frail-looking things that are so strong -- the planes. They learn by doing in this school Actually building planes gives real insight into the work. Self-Consciousness Overcome
Charm, Poise and Personality Developed. Smart Social Conversation -- Wit
-- Repartee. Authoritative Social Coaching. Personally or by Mail.
Just A Step from the Roxy
Plan A Trip For Tomorrow
How Two Stars Crashed the Movie Gate But the movie bug had bitten deep and when I found that both Mr. Carewe and the producers were enthused over my passibilities (sic), I stayed on for a second picture. By that time, I knew that acting would be my life work and that the existence of a Society Leader could never compensate for a career. When my movie days are over, I hope to make a success in concert work," she concluded. VICTOR McLAGLEN, the burly hero of numerous screen dramas, also had a motion picture career literally thrust upon him. "I had been in the British Army sa a lieutenant in the Royal Irish Fusiliers," he said "and had gone through a number of exciting and dangerous engagements with the Turks and Arabs, when I was given the position of Provost Marshal in Bagdad. Not caring to have my career cut short by a blood-thirsty sheik, I returned to London once again. "While at the National Sporting Club I was approached by a motion picture director as being 'just the type' for a certain role. This picture was 'The Call of the Road,' and started me on my British motion picture career. A short time after, I met J. Stuart Blackton at the Oxford-Cambridge boat races. Mr. Blackton was over from America to film 'The Glorious Adventure' and offered me the leading role opposite Lady Diana Manners. I accepted and for the following four years I was starred in numerous British productions. "Later Blackton cabled me from America that he wanted me for a part in 'The Beloved Brute.' So I came to America and have been appearing here eer since. Frequently I get letters from my ex-army buddies 'kidding' me for having become a motion picture actor. But I enjoy the work and wouldn't quit it for anything." McLaglen will be seen in the leading male character role in "Mother Machree" at the Roxy next week.
UPHOLSTERY SALE Don't discard your old furniture. Let us reupholster it like new for little money -- or make up slip covers, in this big sale. Slip covers - 5 p. frame or 3 pc. library set in cretonne or damask, beautiful patterns, dust proff, washable $12 5 Piece Suite RE-UPHOLSTERED in latest style, tapestry or imitation leather; silk gimp; frames polished, springs inserted only
Mutual Upholstery Co.
19 West 34th Street, Phone Beekman 7979
ROXY Theatre EXIT DIAGRAMS FIRE NOTICE -- Look around NOW and choose the nearest Exit to your seat. In case of fire, walk (not run) to THAT exit. Do not try to beat your neighbor to the street. JOHN J. DORMAN Fire Commissioner More Information on the Roxy Theatre... The Roxy Theatre at CinemaTreasures.com Last Modified January 10, 2025 |